Why Are We Cheering for Murderers?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach Wyck
in today's episode we're asking the
question why are we cheering for
murderers this is prompted you might
suspect by the story about the United
Healthcare CEO o who was brutally
murdered in New York City uh just a few
days ago uh what's interesting about
that story is not just the murder
although that in and of itself was so
Brazen and so awful that it got a ton of
attention what is most interesting to me
is the response to the murder that's
because if I did a podcast telling you
not to kill people most of you would
find that largely irrelevant to your
life you aren't going to go out and kill
the CEO of a company with whom you
disagree what the average person was
doing though after the fact was
celebrating the fact that a CEO had been
murdered that he belonged to an
insurance company of which people have
had negative experiences and I'm not
making that up or exaggerating there was
a ton of attention online about this
murder and how it must have been for
righteous reasons one example of this is
that that when United Healthcare itself
put out a statement on Facebook uh
mourning the loss of their CEO a man a
real human being with a family uh 75,000
people responded with the laughing emoji
I want you to let that sit in their
response to a statement about a man that
was murdered was laughing because the
thinking goes hey the Health Care system
in America is broken insurance companies
profit off of of that they make their
money by not paying for the services
people need therefore people are getting
sick and not getting healthy and maybe
even dying so it's okay I guess to
murder their chief executive officer
listen we have to realize that this is
yet another symptom of how sick we are
becoming as a culture because I don't
care what you think about the Health
Care system in the United States or
about insurance companies or about
United Healthcare in particular that man
Brian Thompson was made in the image of
God full stop God made him he belonged
to God no one gets to take his life and
most of all no one should celebrate the
loss of life this man is an image Bearer
and what's sad is that the celebration
wasn't just outside the church it was
inside the church as well the church
which at least politically has been
known for a long time now to stand for
life so I guess the view of some
Christians is that we're pro-life when
you're in the womb but if that baby
grows up to be an insurance CEO then hey
you can murder him who cares no that's
not what the Bible teaches When God says
you should not kill he doesn't Nuance it
with a person's job or career or chosen
industry he just says full stop you
don't get to kill judgment belongs to
God not to us if you celebrated this
man's murder you need to repent you need
to acknowledge to God the sin sickness
of your own heart and confess to him
that you found joy in the murder of
someone who was born in His image listen
if you say but Zach the healthc care
system is messed up and insurance
companies do take advantage listen I'm
here for that conversation but the
response to that is to run for office or
to make it a key issue on which you vote
to start to hold people responsible to
make the best financial decisions for
your family there are a lot of ways that
we as Americans living in a republic can
pursue change to the Health Care System
listen I'm not an expert on that so this
podcast episode isn't about any of those
things it's about this that's a healthy
and righteous way to pursue change if
you think the system is broken but
cheering the murder of another human
being is heinous it is against the
spirit of the gospel and it could
couldn't be more outside the character
of Jesus Christ instead the righteous
response of Christians should be to hope
that the guy who did the crime has in
fact been caught that he's brought to
Justice and that God brings his
incredible Mercy to the family of this
man who has been murdered I don't know
how his wife and children if he has them
would respond to a gospel message being
preached by a church that celebrated
their day dad or a husband's murder no
wait I do know how they'd respond and
that alone should break our hearts hey
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