Why Are People Dying at Work?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question why are people dying at work
this is based on an article that caught
my attention on CNN's website that was
talking about workplace murders which I
didn't realize are as frequent as they
really are in the past year
458 people were murdered at work and I
realized hey it's a big country 458
people is in the comparison to a lot of
things a pretty small number but that's
nine people a week nine people a week
are murdered at their workplace in fact
between 2018 and
2762 people people were murdered at
their workplace uh mass shootings since
1966 they did a study of where mass
shootings take place 30% of them are
what we would call workplace Shooters
people who are going to where they
worked or where they recently worked to
kill the people with whom they worked uh
that's a terrifying stat all these
statistics are terrifying but what
caught my attention even more was a a
line in the article from a psychologist
who who said that when they study these
workplace murders what they find is that
almost all of them are attributable to a
personal grievance that went
unchecked a personal grievance that went
unchecked that resulted in Murder it
makes me think of Ephesians the book of
Ephesians when Paul tells us to not let
the sun go down on our anger I think
most of us like to think that we have
our anger in check at least enough to
not murder someone maybe we mutter under
our breath in traffic or we make certain
hand motions to let people know when we
disapprove but we would never kill
anyone but the thing is I think the 458
people who did kill someone last year
probably would have said the same thing
about themselves a couple of years ago I
think we underestimate the destructive
force of Anger of how far it can take us
of how much it can rationalize if we let
it I also think that physically killing
someone isn't the only way to do
violence when you're angry I wonder how
many emotional deaths have taken place
how many relational deaths how many
people work day by day next to someone
who they hate or who hate them simply
because some kind of wrong was done and
it never got talked about listen
conflict resolution can be scary it can
be intimidating and it can be
uncomfortable it's pretty rough but not
as rough as murder listen how many of us
need to have a difficult conversation
with someone that we work with to say
hey you you bother me when you do this
you offended me when you said this I I'm
upset with you over that or how many of
us need to become the kind of person
with whom someone is upset or offended
and can come talk to them this might
just be a way for us as Christians to
shine in the workplac as we become the
easiest people to talk to when you're
upset with them or the people who always
come to you when they're upset with you
I think this is what Jesus meant when he
said we're the salt of the earth we're
the light of the world we do things in a
different way in a country where people
are getting angry all the time for a
variety of reasons and bringing that
anger in with them to work in a country
that is routinely and regularly isolated
from each other so that even when I'm
mad at you I don't talk to you about it
Christians can show A Better Way Forward
who do you need to apologize to who do
you need to hear apologize to you listen
don't let the sun go down on your anger
don't let your workplace become violent
in any sense of the word simply because
you're unwilling or unable to engage
someone in a difficult conversation that
can lead to reconciliation hey thanks so
much for watching this episode of wake
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