Whose Phone Is the Real Problem?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question whose phone is the
real problem and I'm just going to tell
you if you're a parent you're going to
hate this episode and the way I know
that is I hated getting ready for it
that's because the answer to the
question whose phone is the real problem
is its ours uh studies are coming out I
read about it this week in the news now
that smartphones have been out for a
while that are showing the damaging
effects that something called continuous
partial attention has on children and
continuous partial attention is the idea
that parents are kind of always around
but never fully paying attention that's
because we have our phones as a constant
distraction and you might think well is
it really a big deal the answer actually
is yes uh what they found is that
continuous partial attention results in
five unhelpful consequences for children
let me lay those out for you number one
it results in a stunting of a child's
educational development that's because
conversation is a major way that kids
learn in fact a child whose parent is
continuously distracted Ed uh is about
two times behind a child whose parent is
attentive meaning the child in the
attentive parent category knows two
times the amount of words by the time
they're two two times that's what your
phone is doing that's what my phone is
doing it also is a problem number two
with emotional Attunement if you've been
to therapy or know anything about mental
and emotional health you know that one
of the primary things children need from
their parents is something called
Attunement think about it as a kind of
emotional radar children need for a
parent to know when they're upset when
they're happy when they're sad when
they're scared and to respond
accordingly well the more distracted you
are the less attune you are that leads
to number three because not only do you
miss the signal but you actually misread
it as a consequence you take a child
who's sad and treat them as a child
who's lazy because you just want to get
back to your phone so you snap at them
and get them out of the way because you
see them as is really more of a nuisance
than a child who needs your care in fact
they have found that number four
everywhere smartphone usage goes up so
also does the number of injuries among
children distracted adults lead to
children being physically injured and
then finally number five it leads to
something uh emotional and Mental Health
Specialists are calling techno fence
that between a child and their parent
kind of constantly is the presence of
technology which is shaping our children
listen 10 years 20 years from now
therapy rooms are going to be full of
kids who are there because they can't
figure out why their parents love their
phones more than them and can we just be
honest enough to say there are none of
us who don't feel the sting of that last
sentence we all have a long way to go
and listen I just want to remind you
that your children are a gift from God
that God has given them to you to
Steward to discipleship to develop that
Deuteronomy 6 that God wants you to burn
the the stories of his faithfulness into
their brains and into their hearts that
he wants you to love and care and
provide for them and that that window is
closing every day is another day closer
to them being out of the house and do
you really think do I think we're going
to long for the days that our kids were
in the other room and we were on our
phones no we're going to go wish we
could go back and trade every one of
those seconds for Meaningful interaction
when you come home from work put your
phone on in a box and take the box put
it under the sink let your kids know
you're putting it away because they
matter more than that no matter what
email is coming no matter what phone
call is coming they matter more listen
that message means something to them I
don't care how old they are they are
picking up on what you are saying about
your phone and them I know you say I'll
just have it close I won't look at it
but you will and so will I so let's as
Christian parents Take the Lead say no
to phone usage at home as much as is
humanly possible play a game read a book
go for a walk be a parent remember the
Bible says in Galatians 6 do not be
deceived God is Not mocked you reap what
you sow so meaningful relationship with
your kids I promise you won't be
disappointed in what you read hey thanks
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