Who Will Visit the Lonely?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question who will visit the
lonely this is prompted by an article I
read this week called my dying father
helped me to see the value of daytime TV
it was a fascinating article the the the
journalist was talking about how he
shared the opinion most of us share
about daytime television it is the
lowest form of content on television
it's talk shows and soap operas and
courtroom TV and cooking shows with a
very low budget it's it's all this
television that seemingly just passes
time and it's the kind of TV that might
be on when you take your car in to get
your oil changed or you're in a hospital
waiting room and you're wondering who is
watching this stuff at least that's what
the journalist was wondering in a kind
of a condescending way at the beginning
of the article but he talked about
sitting with his father who spent an
extended stay in the hospital before
passing away and how his dad over time
became obsessed with daytime television
because he spent so much time in the
hospital alone the daytime television
became an indication of his father's
isolation it became a window to the
larger World it became the one Outlet he
had to interact with other people and
the journalist does a great job of
explaining how over time it became the
way he connected with his father who
increasingly couldn't really communicate
they would share their love for that
low-budget cooking show or raised
eyebrows at that courtroom drama it was
an interesting connection he was making
between daytime television and the
increasing loneliness of people in our
world people who live alone people who
are elderly and sick and it made me
think that you know part of what it
means to follow Jesus I think is to see
lonely people as our responsibility you
know when James 1 tells us that pure and
undefiled religion is that we think and
take care of widows and orphans he's
putting his finger on two groups of
people who by defin
are alone children who don't have their
families uh adults who have lost their
spouse and I don't think he's being
exclusive like uh as long as we care for
those two groups that's all that matters
he's talking about lonely and isolated
people the kind of people who probably
by necessity fill their days with
daytime television but TV especially
daytime TV is a poor sub substitute for
actual human interaction it's a poor
substitute for being a part of the lives
of other people and having other people
be a part of your life I I couldn't help
but think of Matthew 25 when Jesus um
talks about the day of judgment and
separating all people into the sheep and
the goats and kind of the defining
characteristic of the sheep God's people
those who enter into heaven is that they
practiced the ministry of presence they
were with those in jail they were with
those who were sick with the poor with
those who were in need with those who
were so often forgotten with those who
were alone and you know what's
interesting is the passage really isn't
about transformation they weren't prison
reformers or or or social reformers I
don't mean that those things are bad I
just mean that what Jesus is saying is
you actually cared about spent time with
saw the value of people you might
otherwise have forgotten I wonder if
Jesus were writing today or speaking
today if he wouldn't say when I was in
prison when I was sick when I was an
assisted living when I was in hospice
when you knew I lived on my own and
hadn't had anyone over in a while I
can't help but think at my dining room
table I have a big family five kids my
wife and I seven people but we have
eight dining room chairs I can't help
but think what Jesus is saying in
Matthew 25 is that one indication that
I'm a sheep and not a goat is that I'm
looking to fill that chair this guy's
dad was dying and alone and all he had
was Judge Judy and I feel like that's an
indictment on the church we should be
the people who are thinking of the
Lonely thinking of those that are
forgotten we should be their window to
the larger world uh first of all because
they're made in the image of God and
they matter second because it might be
that that's the first time in their
lives they're actually open to hearing
the gospel that the life of busyness is
gone the life of of social activity is
gone all they have is their bed and
daytime television and maybe someone
who's there hoping to tell them about
the gospel I think of an elderly couple
that I met with at our my church
recently who actually in retirement
spend one day a week sitting with people
in hospice who are dying it's amazing
just practicing the ministry of presence
so here's my hope in hearing this
podcast and in reflecting on this
article that you will be thinking of one
lonely person one group of lonely people
that God might be calling you to
practice the ministry of presence with
and towards don't delay because the
question who will visit the lonely the
answer should be Jesus Through the
presence of his people hey thanks so
much for watching this episode of wake
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