Who Should Do the Laundry?


hello everyone thanks for listening to

wake up lookup a podcast where we

connect events happening in real time to

the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach

wrock and in today's episode we're

asking the question who should do the

laundry this is based on a study that

just came out uh this past week I read

about it in the Atlantic about looking

at the different ways men and women deal

with housework you know the chores that

we all have to do around the house

cooking cleaning and doing the laundry

some interesting things came out of the

study on average women do two times the

amount of housework that their husband

does two times that that's a lot it's a

pretty big gap it's interesting that

when a single woman this is pretty

telling I think when a single woman gets

married her housework goes up that's

interesting because she's gone from a

house where it was only her to now a

house with another person you would

think if he does anything her workload

goes down but the study said that

actually adding a man into the house

increases the amount of work that a

woman does there was another part of the

study that was really interesting where

they would have a husband and wife

individually give tours of their home

and what they found is that every room

room that was at all messy the wife

would apologize hey I'm sorry this house

is such a mess sorry this room is such a

mess the husband would never apologize

for the mess so what you have there are

multiple levels not only are women doing

more housework than men men are actually

creating more housework for their wives

and women somehow find the the tidiness

of the house to be linked to their

identity in a way that men do not so

what should we do with this well when I

read this study there were three

spiritual takeaways that I want to kind

of bring to bear three things that I

think the Bible can help us as we think

about the gender gap as it relates to

housework the first is this if if you

are a woman and you're saying yeah I do

most of the housework I want to caution

you against two ends of an extreme I

mean certainly I understand the

maternalistic impulse to not have your

house descend into chaos that would be

one end of the extreme right for a woman

to say uh I don't bear any

responsibility for the shape of my house

and I'll let my family live in filth to

prove that point that that wouldn't be

good I I don't know if I've ever met any

of those women but the other end of the

extreme is to think that somehow your

worth as a woman is linked to the food

you cook and the dishes you do and the

laundry that you uh do for your family

your identity is not in those things

messy house or pristine house your worth

is bound Up in Jesus Christ part of what

it means to believe the gospel is to

forego any other kind of scoreboard from

which we de derive our value your

scoreboard is this you're worth enough

for Jesus Christ to give his life for

you I want you to find some rest in that

a second for the men listening to this I

think we have to realize that while the

church holds to a traditional view of

gender and a traditional structure of

the home the husband as the head of the

home and his wife in submission to him a

lot of men take advantage of that and

are utilizing that to be lazy at home

and to feel good about it like hey uh

this should be her job I am the king of

my castle don't forget that the very

passage that talks about wives

submitting to husbands in Ephesians 5

begins with this verse in verse 21

therefore in Christ submit one to

another the call for you of us as a

husband is to lay your life down for

your wife to serve her and love her so

much that she sees the beauty of Jesus

in that that may not mean you do all the

laundry or any of the laundry but it

definitely means you get up off the

couch and contribute and the third thing

I want to say is this if this Dynamic is

true in your family you are headed to a

bad place in your marriage either

aggressively in divorce or passively in

just agreeing to live as roommates

listen wives if you're burning out with

housework you need to say something your

husband is the call of God in his life

to care for you and serve you he should

be willing to hear your feedback and

husbands you should be asking your wives

how am I doing how am I doing are there

is there more I need to do are there

better ways for me to serve you because

when I read this study what I think is

there are a lot of women out there who

probably don't feel like they can share

how frustrated they are and how tired

and burnout they are with their husbands

and husbands if that's true shame on us

listen the gospel canot only save our

souls it can make our marriages and our

homes healthier God's desire is for us

to flourish let's move that way together

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Creators and Guests

Zach Weihrauch
Zach Weihrauch
Follower of Jesus who has graciously given me a wife to love, children to shepherd, and a church to pastor.
Who Should Do the Laundry?
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