Who Gets a Pardon?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question who gets a pardon and as you
might have guessed we're talking about
President Joe Biden's recent pardon of
his son Hunter if you haven't heard of
this story well first of all you must
have been living under a rock but if you
haven't heard let me catch you up
President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden
was convicted of multiple felonies
within the last year tax charges gun
charges uh and seems to have been on a
run of pretty unseemly Behavior
involving drugs and selling access to
his father whether that access was real
or just simply something he capitalized
on he was convicted by a jury and
sentenced to multiple years in prison
President Biden now at the end of his
presidency used his presidential powers
to issue a full pardon to Hunter meaning
he will uh be set free from his charges
and will serve no jail time for any of
the crimes that he committed now as you
might expect this has kicked up the
usual political fervor uh Republicans
are calling it a miscarriage of Justice
and abuse of Presidential Power uh even
Democrats to be honest with you are
having a hard time with it I read a
quote by one Democratic Congressman in
Arizona who said that this was a
miscarriage of Justice Hunter Biden
committed multiple felonies he was
convicted by a jury of his peers he
should serve his time that's coming from
President Biden's own political party uh
what's interesting though is that as
though Republicans are now saying it's
an abuse of power uh it they're also
noting that the language President Biden
uses in his press release about the
pardon is similar language that
President Trump uh has used about those
he has or is promising to Pardon in the
future meaning a lot of similarities and
by the way President Biden is not the
first president to Pardon a family
member Bill Clinton pardoned his half
brother Roger Clinton president Trump
pardoned his daughter's father-in law
Charles Kushner at the end of his first
presidency uh look all these things are
relevant and meaningful these
conversations about Justice and abuse of
power and uh but they're also political
and legal and I'm not a politician or a
lawyer so I want to look at this from a
spiritual angle because I think actually
what President Biden did and then the
way the country is responding is pretty
instructive of a spiritual reality and
that is that because we are sinners our
temptation is to want and expect a
pardon for ourselves and to want and
expect judgment for everybody else or
you might say to want and expect a
pardon for those we care about and
judgment for those that we don't I
experienced this almost every time I do
a funeral and the person who died no one
really knows where they were spiritually
they never really talked about their
faith didn't seem to have a vibrant
relationship with Jesus in that
situation almost always the people who
love that person will do everything in
their power to try to convince me even
though I'm not asking that that person
was a Christian they'll say things like
well he was very kind or or very
generous or he was kind of a private
person so he probably had Faith but he
didn't talk about it and I understand
why they're doing that they want a
pardon they want a pardon for the person
they love they want a pardon for
themselves but isn't it interesting that
as hard as might work to explain and
justify our actions as hard as we might
work to explain why we deserve
forgiveness why we deserve a pardon
we're so eager to withhold it from
everybody else so President Biden says
hey I'm a father I'm a president I I
have the power so of course I'm going to
spare my son but in six months when
President Trump uses his presidential
power to Pardon someone he loves or
cares about or considers a friend
President Biden will vilify that because
what he means is what we all mean
pardons for us judgment for you this is
what Jesus was talking about when he
told the story of the unforgiving
servant a man who goes to the king and
can't possibly pay his debt and begs for
a pardon and receives it and celebrates
by going out in the hall and grabbing
the throat of a guy who owes him money
and expecting judgment for him listen in
all this fervor about Pardons and
judgment who deserves them who doesn't
recognize this theme running through our
human hearts the truth is we are all
sinners needing Grace deserving of
judgment that our first instinct should
be to identify not with the need for a
pardon but with to identify with the
righteousness of a God who would judge
us listen I'm not a politician I'm not a
lawyer probably neither are you but I am
a sinick sinner in need of Grace so
grateful for what God has done and my
prayer in response to this story is God
make me someone who preaches Grace to
other people make me someone who desires
Grace for other people even and
especially my enemies because I once was
just like them who gets to Pardon anyone
who looks to Jesus and we should
celebrate that for all people all time
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