Who Cares for Caregivers?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question who cares for caregivers uh
here primarily we're thinking about the
elderly those who require care for
themselves or for their spouses as they
get up there in age it's prompted by a
heartbreaking article I read in the Wall
Street Journal this week about a couple
Richard and Ellen Hoy Richard was 89
Ellen 85 and I say was because uh they
had been living together been married
for decades and living together as they
both got older and less healthy until
the final point where Richard killed his
wife and then killed himself in the note
he left behind he cited not just the
discomfort and pain of getting older but
the crushing weight of caring for
himself and for his wife it's a it's a
terrible terrible story but it's
actually unfortunately becoming more and
more common than you would think murder
suicides are up among those 65 and older
Believe It or Not 10% of murder suicides
in the United States involve the the
elderly and of those uh older than 80
years old murder suicide is is up
300% in the last few years uh meaning
people in this demographic are three
times more likely to kill themselves and
their spouse than ever before and
consistently what we're hearing is that
the combination of being less healthy
and having to care for themselves and
for each other is just a weight that is
too crushing for them to bear listen as
Christians when we read stories like
this we we have to be careful not to
just push away and say oh that's that's
horrific that's terrible click on a
different story Turn the Page think
about something different because one of
the things the Bible makes clear is that
compassion should be a dominant emotion
for us as Christians the Bible regularly
calls us to care for others particularly
those who cannot care for themselves
that's because it reflects the heart of
God who were told time and time again in
the Bible is for the vulnerable is is
caring for those who are often forgotten
and marginalized in our society and in
all the conversations over the last
decade or so about marginalized people
one group that often gets left out are
the elderly those who tend to be
forgotten those who cannot care for
themselves and if you find yourself in
that situation if you are at present
someone who's getting older and finding
it harder to care for yourself or people
in your family or maybe you have aging
parents and caring for them is a
crushing weight for you I want you to
know that God cares about that that even
as you are a caregiver God desires to be
the one who cares for you in Hebrews 4
We're told that Jesus is a high priest
who can sympathize with our weaknesses
and surely Jesus understands what it is
to carry the crushing weight of caring
for other people of of needing to be the
one who meets other people's needs when
I read passages in the gospel where
Jesus will show up into a town and spend
all day healing and think about the
emotional and physical toll that had to
take that fatigue is the fatigue you
feel so when you when you go to Jesus
you're going to someone who understands
not just theoretically but exponentially
how you feel it's also true that as a
church we have to be a place that is
caring for people in this life stage
Galatians 6 tells us to Bear one
another's burdens and so fulfill the law
of Christ when when one person in our
church is carrying the weight of
carrying for a family member
particularly who's aging and unhealthy
we have to see that as our weight not
their weight whether that is coming
alongside them in the care they're
providing or whether that is like they
do Moses in the Old Testament holding
their arms up as they provide that care
encouraging them giving them the
emotional and spiritual support they
needed th this this is what Jesus meant
by the way when he said all you who are
tired and heavy laden come to me and I
will give you rest Jesus helps us
carries our burdens the burden of our
sin but also the burdens of Our Lives we
have to begin to realize that some of
the most atrisk people in our
communities are the elderly and those
who provide them care I just wonder if
Richard and Ellen had had a local church
around them if they had had Christians
who were paying attention who saw their
burdens as their own if not only they
would have been loved and cared for I
wonder if they would still be alive
that's a question we all should sit with
today and ask God to put on our hearts
how can we how can our families how can
how can our resources be leveraged to
care for the caregivers hey thanks so
much for watching this episode of wake
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