Who Are Your Kids’ Heroes?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and today's episode we're asking
the question who are your kids Heroes
this is prompted by a documentary I
watched recently in the New York Times
about social media influencer children
this documentary focused on Two Sisters
in Alabama an 11-year-old and a
12-year-old who have hundreds of
thousands of followers and make tens of
thousands of dollars every month by
going on Instagram Tik Tok Facebook and
telling you uh what products they're
using and what they like about them and
what they don't like about them
influencing that's a new career path in
fact it's gotten so popular this idea
that you could make a living going on
social media and pushing people towards
one product or another that actually 11%
of Jin Z say they are currently
influencers they think of themselves
this way the content they're putting out
into the universe is designed for this
goal 33% of pre-teens in the United
States say that their Chief career
aspiration is being a social media
influenc that's one in three think about
that that is what the influence that is
they finding on Tik Tok and Instagram is
taking them towards in other words it's
not just that some people make a lot of
money as influencers those people are
becoming the heroes of future
Generations the way you and I might have
looked up to musicians or ball players
or authors uh this generation is instead
finding their Heroes on social media I
say that because uh one of the things I
remember reading in a parenting book
that has always stuck out to me many
years ago when I was expecting our first
child uh is that this idea that one of
the key discipleship tools that you have
as a parent is to try to push your kids
towards the right people to want to be
like in other words to help your kids
find the right Heroes because if you're
like me and your kids are getting older
and older you real realiz that your
voice is shrinking somewhat in influence
there are other people out there that
your kids want to be like or learn from
or be guided towards and those people
become huge influences no pun intended
on who your kids become on how they live
on what they say is good and on what
they say is bad which means if you want
to see what your kid is going to look
like in a year find out who they're
listening to today if you want to know
who they're going to be like in 5 years
find out who their heroes are right now
listen I know you've heard me say this
that I know that social media is bad for
your children literally every source is
saying unanimously your kids shouldn't
be on social media but if you're going
to have your kids be on social media
even though you shouldn't if you make
that choice find out who they're paying
the most attention to and I don't mean
grabbing their phone when they're not
looking and scrolling through ask them
listen to what they're talking about
because what you're going to find is
there is some tick tocker some YouTuber
who is your child's hero and while you
are telling your kids to get on their
device so that you can have a little me
time that influencer is making hundreds
of thousands of dollars by convincing
your kids that they're the person they
should be listening too listen God gave
you your children uh Deuteronomy 6 is
the best passage in the Bible on
discipling children it's about
intentionality it's about strategy it's
about fully engaged parents paying
attention to what their kids are doing
do you know who your kids favorite
influencers are do you know whose videos
they're watching whose products they're
buying it very well could be that you're
looking at a Christmas list right now
that is directly traceable back to the
hero your kid is listening to listen get
involved pay attention have
conversations with your kids about who
really is heroic who really is worth
imitating and find a way to steer those
conversations back to Jesus Christ pay
attention because whoever your kids are
listening to is who they're going to end
up like so make sure you're involved hey
thanks so much for watching this episode
of wake up lookup uh while you're here
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