What's Wrong With Church?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and today's episode we're asking
what's wrong with church it's going to
take me a second to get to that question
but let me just tell you what I was
reading this week it was actually an
opinion piece in the New York Times and
it was on the topic of mattering M A TT
r i n mattering mattering is a concept
in Psychology that says the key really
to happiness to self-fulfillment to
self-empowerment to confidence is
feeling as though you matter mattering a
quick definition of mattering is that
mattering is the combination of feeling
value and adding value in other words
it's other people saying to you hey
you're valuable you make our lives
better you make the world around you
better but it's also feeling deep down
kind of existentially that that's
actually true that you can look at your
life and see how you are adding value
and what the opinion piece was saying is
that this is the key to happiness that
maybe we're missing is that that knowing
that other people value US and feeling
that we are ourselves valuable actually
leads to happiness and the absence of
those things actually leads to
dissatisfaction and look I'm not an
anthropologist or a sociologist I'm a
pastor so let me tell you that when I
read this article what instantly clicked
for me is this is the difference between
Happy church people and unhappy church
people or Christians who like their
church and Christians who don't I've
been a pastor for 20 years and in my
experience it's not the music or the
preaching fundamentally that makes
Church exciting or worthwhile it's
actually mattering because healthy
church members are those who are in
community those who actually are caring
and loving for other people having them
in their home and being in their homes
sharing meals serving each other
sacrificing with for each other crying
with each other and celebrating with
each other because in doing that you
real value that's because people are
telling you thanks for being here thanks
for showing up thanks for helping out
you're seeing the effect that you have
on other people and you're hearing it
when they're telling you how much you're
loved and appreciated and and how much
you're bringing to their lives but what
is also true about healthy church
members is they can actually look at
their church and see the difference that
they're making they can see the room
full of kids or teenagers who are being
loved and cared for because they're
serving they can look out at a
congregation and see the people who are
worshiping to the music they're playing
or singing they can see the people who
feel safe and welcomed in an environment
that is clean and well thought out
because of the sacrifice and service
that they are bringing you see God
designed the local church to be a place
of mattering a place where you find
meaning and purpose in participating in
his work to reach people who do not know
him and to make them disciples but it's
also a place where you can hear others
acknowledge your value celebrate your
gifts appreciate your strengths mitigate
your weaknesses you you see I want you
to think that maybe if you're unhappy
lately with church it might not be the
pastor's fault it might not be the music
or the vibe in the room it might be that
you've become a consumer
you aren't giving or adding value You're
simply taking and as a consequence
whether you realize it or not you are
the one suffering for that that's
because psychology is simply agreeing
with what the Bible has always said
which is the key to human happiness is
to love God and enjoy him by serving him
forever feeling valued and adding value
to the kingdom of God after all is this
not the gospel that Jesus shows our
value by dying for us but then calls us
to a life of value when he gives us the
Great Commission to go into all the
nations and baptize those that we are
leading to Faith listen if you're
unhappy with your church maybe you need
to find your value maybe you need to
take seriously God's call on your life
to matter here's my guess when you find
your role and when you realize you
matter you will find maybe there really
wasn't anything wrong with your church
in the first place hey thanks so much
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