What Is the First Step Toward Discipling Your Kids?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question what is the first step towards
discipling your kids I asked this
question prompted by two things the the
first is that I realize for many parents
the idea that they are supposed to
disciple their kids to teach their kids
theology to help them wrestle and
navigate through life's deeper questions
to open the Bible and do family worship
and teach them the stories of God's
faithfulness is pretty intimidating most
parents don't feel prepared for it don't
feel trained for it and don't feel like
they have the time that life is too busy
too chaotic and so you might find
yourself going well well well how do I
just take a step in that direction is
there a small thing that I can do to
move in that direction and the second
reason I asked this question is it's
prompted by an article I read in the
Atlantic this week because the answer is
the first step is to get your kids
reading to get them reading anything at
all to do some reading that's because
the article I read was by Rose harwit
who's written on this extensively we've
covered articles of her in the past
looking at how the future fut generation
is reading less and less we are
increasingly becoming a culture with a
lowering tolerance for books I'll throw
this stat at you in 1971 college
students were asked why are you in
college and 73% of them said I'm in
college to develop a meaningful
philosophy of life to think about life's
deeper questions to wrestle with meaning
and purpose and those kinds of things
only 37% said they were in college to
financially well fast forward to 2015
the same question was asked of college
students and
82% of them said I'm in college to gain
financially we've shifted as a culture
if your primary and purpose in life is
to make money to pay the bills to buy
things reading is always going to feel
like a nuisance of course the problem
with that from a Christian perspective
is that God has communicated with us in
in a book we're supposed to be readers
it's inescapably true that if you want
to grow in your faith you're going to
have to be a reader the revelation of
God is there for you in the scriptures
Psalm 19 says the heavens are declaring
the glory of God but it goes on to say
if a man wants to know his hidden faults
to be kept from presumptuous sins he has
to go to the scriptures for that reading
is the key to discipleship and if you
can't get your kid to read if they won't
read They're not going to translate that
to the Bible so as parents we have to
understand it is vitally important that
our kids are competent readers who
actually can learn and enjoy learning
through the written word so of course
that begs the question how do we do that
well there's a couple of ways as parents
I want to call you to but all of these
ways are under the idea that Deuteronomy
6 says it is your job to disciple your
kids and you do that through the Bible
which involves reading so here we go
three ways you can do that number one
become a reader yourself your kids need
to see you reading books especially
preferably reading the Bible kids catch
more than they're taught right more is
caught than taught that's what we say so
can your parent can your kids remember a
time where they saw their parents
reading their Bible reading at all are
you modeling that true learning and
entertainment comes through a screen or
are you actually modeling the value of
sitting down with a book of investing
time and energy into reading especially
reading the Bible listen you don't just
read the Bible for you you read it for
your family you model that you Echo what
the Apostle Paul said when he said
imitate me as I also imitate Jesus
you're saying to your kids learn from me
the way I'm learning from Jesus here's
the second thing read the Bible to your
kids listen there are so many compelling
tools out there Jesus story book Bible
the gospel Bible there's so many great
tools out there that parents can use to
read the stories of God's faithfulness
to their kids my family we do it right
after dinner so right after dinner as
the kids get their dessert they sit at
the table and I read a story and I ask
each kid a question about the story it
takes five minutes how much do they
remember I have no idea
but here's what I know they have a far
better chance of remembering the stories
of God's faithfulness if I read those
stories 300 times than if I never read
them at all read the Bible to your kids
trust God's grace and the Holy Spirit to
let it sink in Jesus said a sewer goes
out to sew he throws the seed some of it
falls on this kind of soil and that kind
of soil and that kind of soil his job is
to throw out the seed that's you
with your kids and then finally get your
kids reading here's a hack that I'll
give you as a parent my 8-year-old son
Graham is a terrific reader but he
doesn't love to read he'd rather play
video games he'd rather play Legos there
are other things more interesting to him
well Graham's bedtime is 8:00 so what I
said to Graham is I'll tell you what if
from 8:00 to 8:30 you will read I'll let
you stay up if you don't want to read
you can go to bed that's your bedtime
eight o'clock but if you want bonus time
the only way you get that is by reading
I instituted that rule three weeks ago
he just finished his second novel his
second novel and he's loving it and you
know the only time he reads from 8 to
8:30 because outside of that time he'd
rather play Legos he'd rather play video
games he'd rather hang out with his dad
but 30 minutes of reading is gearing him
up for a lifetime of learning through
the written word and hopefully in a
ability to learn about God from the
scriptures parents you cannot raise
children who can't read Because those
are children who will not grow in their
faith you want to disciple your kids get
them reading hey thanks so much for
watching this episode of wake up lookup
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