Teaching Them To Read
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and today's episode we're talking about
teaching them to read this is prompted
by an article that was in the Atlantic
this week showing that college students
even at Elite schools schools like
Georgetown and Colombia are
increasingly unable to read books not
just unwilling or disinterested actually
not able to read them meaning they're
going to professors and saying I cannot
do the work because I cannot concentrate
long enough to actually read through a
book this is a major problem on college
campuses and again we're not talking
about your local Community College we're
talking about Elite schools where kids
have had to get high level grades and I
assume show an ability to do a highlevel
academic work but they still can't bring
themselves to read in fact a study done
in 1976 at the time showed that 40% of
had read six books or more in a given
year only 11% had read zero books that
same study was done in
2022 and the numbers had completely
flipped meaning 40% of teenagers had
read zero books that year and only 11%
had read six or more it's a major
problem not just a problem by the way
for the teenagers themselves but it it
represents a shift in educ ation a
recent study that was done over 3003 to
eth grade teachers revealed that only
25% of teach I'm sorry 25% of teachers
total use zero books in their classroom
their their kids are reading no full
books and 177% of teachers are using
books to some degree but not the full
book it's an incredible stat teachers
aren't asking students to read students
aren't reading it's a problem with our
society it's not just a problem by the
way educationally like in a vacuum or in
theory Neuroscience tells us that
increased immersion in an actual book
increases critical thinking skills and
self-reflection two things that we are
increasingly in short supply of in our
culture but since this is a Christian
podcast let me make a crossover here the
primary way that God communicates with
his people is through a book it's
through the Bible Psalm 19 the writer
says that that the Bible to us is
sweeter than honey it's better than gold
because it is what God uses to transform
us into who he wants us to be these
teenagers growing up in our culture and
in our churches who aren't readers are
alienating themselves from the very
voice of God so what do we do well as a
church community and culture and as
parents we have got to get kids reading
we've got to get control of smartphone
usage video games and other things we've
got to incentivize getting our kids
reading recently my family took a road
trip and I actually printed out a list
of books had the books in the car and
paid $25 a book that every time one of
my kids read an entire book and then
could pass a quiz by it about it that I
gave them orally I actually paid them
for it that's because the benefit they
got from Reading great books especially
those books about Jesus is worth
the money get creative find ways to get
your kids reading by the way not only
will it be good for them spiritually and
good for them in terms of their brain
but it'll also set them apart from an
increasingly illiterate culture help
your kids succeed get them reading and
above all else get them listening to the
voice of God found in the Bible hey
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