Should We Play God?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question should we play God
this is prompted by an article I read
this week written by Kristen Brown in
Bloomberg news it was looking at
advancements in genetic testing
particularly related to IVF or invitro
fertilization rapidly science is making
the promise to aspiring parents that
genetic screening can let them know if a
particular future child is at higher
risk for a number of things we can
determine in advance if that child is
going to be male or female if they're
going to look certain ways cosmetic Al
or if they're going to have diseases or
physical limitations or disabilities as
a result parents are increasingly in the
driver's seat on decision making as to
what kind of child they want to have and
whether or not they want to take on the
burden of uh not just having but raising
and caring for a child who might be at
higher risk for a particular disease or
disability well as you might imagine uh
this is a causing a pretty sharp divide
in the medical and scientific community
over whether this advancement is good or
bad those who are for it are saying that
this will potentially alleviate a
lifetime of suffering for both the child
and the parents caring for a child with
severe disabilities or a dehabitation uh
illness is a difficult thing to do and
by giving parents advanced notice they
can decide for themselves whether they
want to do that or not the argument goes
that over time as well the human uh
genome will get stronger because we're
editing out various illnesses and
diseases as we select not to have kids
who bear those particular genes of
course the arguments against it are
manifold as well there are those who
argue it's commodifying life that were
reducing actual people down to the way
you would buy a car do you want leather
seats power windows St what kind of
stereo do you want a child with brown
hair brown eyes a boy or girl this
disease or not this genetic code or not
there are other people who argue that
it's dividing us again along
socioeconomic lines because this kind of
screening this kind of testing is
available right now at least only to the
wealthy so wealthier families have
healthier children while poor families
roll the dice uh also there are those
that argue that the science just isn't
there yet that when when you're being
told you can know these things with
certainty it's really a high likelihood
or a strong guess and parents are
actually choosing to terminate
pregnancies based on a more likely than
not outcome making life and death
decisions unlimited information well how
should we think about this as Christians
particularly knowing that IVF is on the
rise in our culture and in our churches
well let's just start with this the
sanctity of human life is rooted in the
idea that every person in the womb and
out of the womb Bears the image of God
and that image of God language is
important because it Roots our value not
in our physical or mental ability you
don't bear the image of God if you can
run the mile under a certain time if you
can jump high or if you can learn
algebra the image of God is what helps
every person retain their value
regardless of what they grow up to be or
what they grow up able to do it is just
the idea that every human being is
stamped with the impression of God when
we terminate pregnancies based on the
physical ability mental ability cosmetic
appearance we are saying something about
what makes people valuable and we're
saying something about God himself
Proverbs 3 says that we should lean on
the Lord trust God with all our heart
and our our understanding not not play
God but actually yield to God's desire
there there used to be this idea and one
we should reclaim that God gives us what
he wants us to have in order to shape Us
in fact some of the most amazing people
I know are parents who are raising
children with disabilities siblings of
kids who have disabilities or because it
nurtures something in them it creates in
them a certain kind of Beauty a certain
kind of neighbor love a certain kind of
Holiness learning to care for people
this is a slippery slope that will lead
to the erosion of compassion it will
lead to looking at a kid in a wheelchair
and wondering why his parents didn't
just terminate him it will lead to Value
statements designer kids and the way you
might think about designer purses it
will further a heart in a posture that
is saying to God not only am I not ryant
on you but move over I know how to do
your job better listen I'm not against
science I'm not against medicine the
Bible is not against progress but
progress is not progress if it takes us
away from God progress is not progress
if it comes in the form of rebellion
should we play God no no matter how many
times science and medicine offer to let
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