Should the Government Be Telling Us What To Celebrate?


hello everybody thanks for listening to

wake up lookup a podcast where we

connect events happening in real time to

the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck

and today's episode we're asking the

question should the government be

telling us what to celebrate this is

prompted by uh kind of a bizarre thing

the government did and then a funny


I read about it the Department of Health

and Human Services which has amazingly 2

million social media followers uh sent

out recently to those followers a

message encouraging them to celebrate

pansexual and pan romantic day uh yet

another crazy expression of so-called

human sexuality uh what's interesting is

that the article I read was written by a

liberal someone who in general uh has a

very different view of gender and

sexuality than the Bible but even this

writer was saying when I read that I had

to go look up what pansexual and pan

romantic mean they're just not words

anyone uses in fact he did a search and

found that even the New York Times again

another kind of left leaning publication

had only used those terms one time in

its history that's how obscure the

references are in case you're wondering

by the way a pansexual is someone who is

sexually attracted to people people of

all genders pan romantic is someone

who's romantically attracted to the

exact same group of people people of all

genders in other words it's a

distinction entirely without Merit and

that's what's happening to our culture

is increasingly we are dividing people

down into the smallest groups possible

and then trying to celebrate what makes

them unique and different now there are

a couple of problems with this let me

lay out for you from a ibal point of

view why these things are problems uh

number one I want you to see that it is

insecurity that motivates this I mean

we're now parsing the distinction

between someone who's attracted to

people of all genders in a sexual way

and someone who's attracted to people of

all genders in a romantic and yet not

somehow not sexual way it's like we're

saying who are you attracted to well I'm

attracted to all people okay but in what

way if it's this way go left and if it's

that way go right we we are having to

find some unique way to celebrate each

person because we can't seem to find any

lasting or substantive worth what is so

sad about that is that people are made

in the image of God that alone before I

know anything about them is worth

celebrating it makes their life

meaningful and valuable should lead them

to find purpose and work worth but it

isn't and the insecurity that we live in

is not just leading us to Crazy places

but going to [ __ ] us eventually the

second thing is that this is also the

height of human Rebellion Paul says in

Romans 1 that what happens is we end up

celebrating the created rather than the

Creator we we we ignore God and find in

ourselves something of value and that's

what's happening here is that we're

we're saying to each person there's

something about you and that thing about

you is the most important thing of of

all who you sleep with or who you're

attracted to or what kind of Attraction

and so we end up worshiping individuals

which is really what the Department of

Health and Human Services was saying why

in essence why should I care who you're

attracted to or what kind of Attraction

you are why should I feel the need to

celebrate you unless you are the thing

I'm being called To Worship but then the

third problem is this uh that is so far

outside the bounds of what the

Department of Health and Human Services

should be thinking about they're not

talking about a Health crisis they're

not talking about a a disease that is

spreading or a a cleanliness practice

that if we if we took on would lead to

less people getting sick they're telling

me to celebrate the sexual proclivity or

not so sexual proclivity of other people

because the government no longer does

the work God designed it to do instead

it does the work of being God it's

telling me Zack this is your morality

this is what you should celebrate this

is what you should find as something to

be worthy of praise that's not the job

of the government the government's job

is to keep people safe and to provide

the things for people that God has said

they ought to provide not to tell me

what is worth celebrating when they're

sending that out they're just showing

that yet again the government is

Desiring to kind of be over us not just

legally but morally and of course

they're not God tells us what to

celebrate and whatever he says is bad is

bad not just morally but bad for those

who are doing it no matter what the

so-called Department of Health and Human

Services is saying when they deviate

from what God has said is good they lead

people in an unhealthy place not a

healthy Place listen what are we doing

we have to return back to looking to God

for what to celebrate or eventually this

whole thing is just going to fall apart

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episode of wake up lookup uh while

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Creators and Guests

Zach Weihrauch
Zach Weihrauch
Follower of Jesus who has graciously given me a wife to love, children to shepherd, and a church to pastor.
Should the Government Be Telling Us What To Celebrate?
Broadcast by