Should the Bathroom Be Free?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question should the bathroom
be free this is prompted by what's been
in the news lately about Starbucks which
is is changing its company policy it's
issuing a new code of conduct it has
been since
2018 that the bathroom in Starbucks was
for everyone whether you were a coffee
drinker or not whether you were a
customer or not you could pop into
Starbucks and use the bathroom this
particularly was relevant in urban areas
where public restrooms are hard to come
by and often made Starbucks kind of A
Gathering Place for people in need of
public restaurant it's something the
company has recognized has been bad for
business uh that's for a couple of
reasons one is because overwhelmingly
Starbucks's paying customers did not
want to be in the same space as those
who might have come there just for the
bathroom people who are homeless or
dealing with mental health issues or
substance abuse increasingly they were
encroaching on customers territory it's
also true that Starbucks realized that
their old model of creating a third
space A Gathering Place for the
community no longer fit American culture
increasingly Starbucks was realizing
that 70% of its business is online
either people doing online orders or in
store pickups no one actually goes into
Starbucks anymore let alone hangs out
there in fact uh you know this policy
has resonated with customers because the
minute Starbucks announced this their
stock went up 6% shareholders were
saying finally you're not trying to be
an Agora you're just trying to be a
business that sells us coffee that we
come and get it and then get out of
there people are saying overwhelmingly
Starbucks we don't want you to provide
us Community we don't think you're in
the business of hospitality just make
and sell us coffee this is interesting
to me because in some way Starbucks was
trying to do some things that the Bible
calls us to do to be hospit hitable the
New Testament definition according to
Romans 12 of hospitality is to turn
strangers into Brothers Starbucks was
seeking to create a Gathering Place also
the Bible says a lot about caring for
the poor and the marginalized so
Starbucks was reflecting that at least
they thought in their idea that the
bathroom was for everybody but here's
the thing uh corporations are weak F
similes of the local church at its core
Starbucks exists to make a profit to
deliver a service to to give customers
what they want that that identity was
never going to fully square with the
biblical ideas of hospitality or caring
for the poor customers want Starbucks to
give them coffee and get out of their
way the Bible's call for Hospitality the
Bible's call for caring for the poor and
the marginalized is a call for the
church and when I read this story I
thought this is probably good for
Starbucks it's going to make their
customer experience a lot better but
it's also indicative of the fact that
Starbucks shouldn't have had to do this
Christians should be the one saying Hey
how do we solve the issues of
homelessness how do we find public
spaces that are accessible and
attractive and safe churches should be
third spaces where people can gather
listen I know that introduces a whole
host of questions that I don't have the
answers to but again one of the things
I'm always pushing on this podcast is
that Christians ReDiscover the meaning
and purpose and adventure of the
Christian Life what companies like
Starbucks are trying to do is what many
of us should be giving our lives towards
finding the ways to do what Jesus was
talking about in Matthew when he talked
about when I was hungry you fed me when
I was naked you clothed me and so on and
so forth that is the work of the church
that is the work work of Christians it's
not the work of Corporations but let's
acknowledge we're creating a vacuum that
different entities are trying and
failing at filling and let's start
asking God God how can your church in
urban rural suburban environments become
gathering places become places where the
poor and the marginalized are cared for
and served and love let's let companies
be companies let's Let the church be the
church hey thanks so much for watching
this episode of wake up lookup while
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