Let’s Argue About It


hello everyone thanks for listening to

wake up lookup a podcast where we

connect events happening in real time to

the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach

wrock and in today's episode I'm making

the point let's argue about it the

reason I'm saying that is because of

something that's been in the news

recently that happened on the CBS daily

Morning Show tanasi coats renowned

author has a new book out and part of

his book he takes issue with the

existence of the Israeli State he argues

instead that there should be a

government comprised of the ethnic

makeup of the region a government that

includes Palestinians uh this is coats's

political position but what's

interesting about the interview on CBS

is that it is counter to the position of

one of the journalists Tony decouple who

makes a point in the interview that

tanasi coach's position is offensive to

Jewish people like himself and what

ensues is a five minute debate that is

awesome to watch both guys are

incredibly articulate about their

position they're respectful they ask

hard questions they bounce back and

forth at no point are they personal or

demeaning it was really a pleasure to

watch it reminds me of what you used to

be called journalism that's why it's so

discouraging to me that only hours later

CBS issued an apology saying we got it

wrong we should not have pushed back on

Mr coats's ideas so hard we should have

been more welcoming to him as a guest

what are we talking about it's a news

program the guy wrote a book in which he

makes some pretty radical

claims by the way one of the things I

really appreciate appreciate about the

reporter is that he clearly read the

whole book he referenced multiple

sections he talked about how certain

parts of it made him feel it was a

dynamic conversation it was an argument

to be sure but it was the right kind of

argument and that's what that's what

breaks my heart about cbs's apology

because what they're really saying is

that tanasi coat had a book out and we

should have brought him on just

celebrated him as an author celebrated

his perspective and left it alone but

actually what really honored his

perspective and honored his work was the

debate the exchange of ideas The Knowing

of the reporter that he would have

answers to some obvious and really hard

questions I walked away from the

interview respecting both guys and

actually honestly curious to read more

that both had written that's because

that's what happens in a debate listen

there's a proverb in the Book of

Proverbs that says faithful are the

wounds of a friend but profuse are the

kisses of an enemy friends wound because

they want you to be great they want you

to experience success they want you to

be healthy so they're not afraid to ask

the hard question to push back in a

meaningful way it's the people who don't

care about you who just want the dog and

pony show and what CBS is basically

saying is we brought Mr coats onto our

program and we treated him as a friend

but we're sorry we should have treated

him like an enemy but you know who would

have really lost in that it's not coats

and it's not the reporter it's you and

me because actually what we need are

news programs that challenge ideas that

represent the best version of two

competing ideas and leave us to figure

out where we stand healthy debate makes

this country better healthy disagreement

makes your relationships better do not

buy into the idea that to disagree is to

automatically give offense kisses seem

nice but they're coming from an enemy

that's what the proverb is saying it's

the people who really care about you who

care enough to challenge you and it's

the people who really care about this

country who care enough to challenge

ideas and that's a great segue into this

I know today is election day and you're

probably hoping we're going to talk

about the election and we are but I want

to let the dust settle just a little bit

so that I know who won so that I can

help you think from a Biblical

perspective about the aftermath of the

election so tomorrow's episode will not

be about the election that's because

we're letting the dust settle want to

make sure we know who won but Thursday

of election week 2 days from now you

will have a wake up lookup episode about

the election hey thanks so much for

watching this video while you're here

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Creators and Guests

Zach Weihrauch
Zach Weihrauch
Follower of Jesus who has graciously given me a wife to love, children to shepherd, and a church to pastor.
Let’s Argue About It
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