Is Your Mind Full?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and today's episode we're asking
the question is your mind full and this
comes from a Wall Street Journal article
called why all in is no recipe for
success I I found the title interesting
and the substance of the article even
more so because the article was about
something called hyperfocus which is the
kind of single-mindedness you get when
you're chasing one big goal when you're
building your life around one thing that
you're convinced if you can accomplish
or you can obtain will make your life
meaningful so this could be anything
from running a marathon to achieving at
work to getting married having children
etc etc we're different people with
different kinds of interests but often
times we do gravitate towards hyperfocus
another good test of hyperfocus is that
what's the one thing in your life
through which you evaluate everything
else so if you're running a marathon
things that help you get there become
good things that don't help you get
there become bad not because they're
intrinsically good or bad but just
because all you really want is that one
thing and we think of hyperfocus as the
price we have to pay to achieve that's
kind of what movies or books or or kind
of our own minds tell us that hey if you
want to do anything great you have to be
hyperfocused but increasingly research
is telling us that's actually not true
in fact hyperfocus can lead to burnout
which is when you begin to hate the
thing that you once thought would make
you happy it increases your fear of
failure because after all if you've
spent a great deal of time aiming at one
thing and you don't get there what does
that mean and actually it weakens us it
it it actually makes us less focused and
and and more tired which actually can
diminish our performance what studies
are beginning to show is that Nobel
Prize winners professional athletes
entrepreneurs uh overwhelmingly their
lives are actually more well-rounded
than we think they are driven and
focused people but they tend to
diversify that Focus across multiple
Pursuits not just
one thing now the reason why I say this
is because yet again research is showing
us something the Bible has been saying
for a while consider that in the Old
Testament God is leading Israel out of
Egypt into the promised land where they
are going to establish a country uh they
are going to have to uh domesticate a
land to fend off enemies they have a lot
of work to do but from the very
beginning God builds in a system where
every Sabbath day they're going to rest
rest that's because God is systematizing
the idea that they're not just workers
they are also worshippers they're also
human beings who need to rest he's
building into the system a
diversification of focus Jesus lived
this way you know Jesus only had three
years of public Ministry which is not a
lot of time to do all the things that
Jesus had to do and yet when you read
the gospels like passages like Mark 6
for example you'll see that he regularly
took time to rest and recharge to
diversify his Focus Ecclesiastes tells
us this Ecclesiastes 3 says there's a
season for this and a season for that
it's telling us that life just doesn't
sink up with
single-mindedness different seasons call
for different speeds and different
emotions uh but here's the real thing
hyperfocus tends to stem from idolatry
it tends to come from this idea that if
I want to be happy if I want to have
meaning and purpose I have to have this
one thing so when Jesus in Matthew 11
tells us that he came to lead us to rest
what he's telling us is that he came to
set us free from the gods that enslave
us it's not that Jesus doesn't want you
to run a marathon or achieve at work or
be married or whatever it is you're
dreaming about it's that he came to
remind you to show you to teach you that
even if you never have those things your
life has meaning and purpose eternally
your place in the kingdom of God is Not
based on any of those things listen are
you tired I know you might be telling
yourself I actually just need to keep
pushing to achieve listen if that's how
you feel we are the same person I
understand that but what research in the
Bible are telling you is not just that
that one thing can ruin you but that
actually to be your best in pursuit of
that one thing you need to think about
other things stop laying aside the other
other things God has called you to in
pursuit of that one thing diversify your
focus and as a result you'll be happier
less anxious and actually more able to
perform and parents by the way let's
make sure we're raising kids who
intrinsically get this I know you
believe your son's going to be the next
shortstop for the Cleveland guardians
but maybe take three months off of
baseball let him do something else teach
him life is more than whatever it is
that we're chasing let's tra Chase
dreams let's be people who aim big let's
be people of ambition but let's also be
people of rest hey thanks so much for
watching this episode of wake up lookup
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