Is This Missing From Your Prayer Life?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and this episode we're asking the
question is this missing from your
prayer life and the this in that
question is what's going on with
Christians around the world I'm focusing
in particular with something that's been
in the news this week that's happening
in Syria a country that has just
undergone a major coup against the AL
Assad regime uh um not a very popular at
least on the international stage regime
that is now been overthrown by an
organization that is led by Islamic
leaders uh in Syria a country where
there are 200 to 600,000 Christians this
is leading to a state where Christians
aren't really sure where they land on
the one hand uh the terrorist
organization that has overthrown the
alassad regime is known for a History of
Violence towards anyone who's not Muslim
I use the word terrorist organization
because the United States and others
have labeled this new group a terrorist
organization at least from the
perspective of the West they are a group
that vilifies anyone that doesn't share
their religion and will pursue violence
towards them however the new group
that's come into power in Syria is
saying hey that's who we used to be in
fact their leader is saying I'm reformed
I I used to be that but now I'm more
open-minded and tolerant they're
promising that things will be good for
Christians that they can worship and
practice Christianity along with Muslims
who practice Islam are they telling the
truth who knows especially Syrian
Christians who are on the edge of their
seat wondering should they leave their
country and seek safety because this
group is lying and will eventually crack
down on Christians or should they take
them at their word and stay particularly
Desiring to be an influence and witness
in a country where there is not that
much gospel presence that's a real
problem I can't even imagine sitting at
the dining room table with my wife
trying to decide between leaving the
country for the safety of our family or
sticking it out for the good of the
Gospel that's a real problem and I use
the words real problem because sometimes
in America I'm tempted to think I have
real problems I I haven't experienced
anything like this which is why among
all the other things I'm praying for
praying for God's provision and blessing
for my own family and friends and church
I need to make sure I'm adding in
prayers for Christians in Syria and in
other situations around the world the
book of Ephesians chapter 6 tells us to
pray all the time for other belie
Believers in all places and that's
something that if you're like me you
probably fall behind pretty regularly in
doing so I want to encourage you towards
a couple of things number one can we
make our immediate reaction to headlines
prayer when I see an article about
Syrian Christians I should click on it
read it and turn that into a prayer I
wonder how often we interpret the news
in light of ourselves in light of our
political bias in of the candidate of
our choosing instead of reading it
through the lens of the Gospel our
hearts breaking for our brothers and
sisters in Syria and our desire for God
to protect them and bless them and for
the gospel to flourish let's develop the
reaction to reading international news
with an eye to how we can be praying the
other thing is if you have kids this is
a great opportunity to teach them about
the world and about how big the church
is get a globe put it in your dining
room spin it and stop on a country and
pray for the Christians there bring a
headline like this if your kids are
older to the dining room table and talk
about how hard it must be to follow
Jesus in Syria and in other places
develop in your kids a heart for the
Nations and for the gospel to advance in
a country where kids are growing up with
Heroes who are social media influencers
and musicians and ball players maybe we
could raise a generation of kids who at
least add to that the heroes who are
living out their faith in hostile
countries who are taking the gospel into
places where it is dangerous listen
we're in a season where you're probably
thinking about the new year and the new
you and how you're going to change let's
all commit to making 2025 a year of
intentional prayer for our brothers and
sisters in Syria and around the world
that God would keep them safe that God
would bless them and that the gospel
would Advance hey thanks so much for
watching this episode of wake up lookup
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