Is My Phone Making Me Lonely?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question is my phone making me lonely
and the answer by the way is yes that's
at least according to a few studies that
are coming out which are once again
showing us that smartphones and social
media are not only eroding the fabric of
our society but they're changing our
hearts and Minds so for example a study
of 500 teenagers that were asked three
times a day when's the last time you
interacted with an actual human person
at least 50% of the teenagers every time
they were asked said it had been over an
hour since they had last interacted with
a human adults are not immune from this
one out of every two adults say that
they regularly deal with loneliness in
fact studies are showing that there are
three things that smartphones and social
media are doing to us uh number one
they're causing us to Envy to compare
ourselves to each other unfavorably who
can keep up with all the cool vacations
and gadgets and clothes and stuff people
are doing on Facebook and Instagram and
Tik Tok making us feel like our lives
are uninteresting and uninspiring in
fact a study of 220 College freshman
recently indicated that the number one
negative feeling they experience in
relationship to social media is Envy the
second trend is that we're increasingly
and I am super guilty of this text
messaging each other over actually
hearing each other's voices are actually
interacting with each other increasingly
we're turning each other into chat box
that you text with and then third we are
increasingly addicted to streaming
videos whether it's binge watching a
show or going down the YouTube rabbit
hole listen I I know wake up look up
we've been banging this drum but social
media and our phones are changing us
they are creating isolated lonely people
and of course you don't even need me to
tell you that by doing that they are in
large part separating us from what me it
means to be made in the image of God God
is Triune father son in spirit before
there was anything there was God in
community with himself that's why
Genesis 1 says let us make man in our
image that's why God said in Genesis 2
that the task of Imaging him was was too
big for Adam it wasn't good for him to
be alone he needed Community that's what
we're made to have if we go into our
phones and away from each other we're
not just becoming lonely we're not just
becoming envious we're becoming less and
less human and that's going to change
how we understand ourselves it's going
to change how we understand God but
we're also kind of dehumanizing each
other we are seeing each other as as
impositions it's easier to text you than
call you because there's no value to
actually engaging you I just need
information it's easier to assume that
you and I can't connect because you're
busy being awesome on all of your trips
and and to be envious of you than it is
to actually get to know you and even
maybe to deal with the messiness of the
inequity of Our Lives the reality is
that social media is separating us from
what it means to be human and what it
means to love each other which is why we
have to be more intentional listen the
idea that we would go away from
smartphones or the internet or social
media is probably a little pie in the
sky although I'll tell you
I have recently stopped using social
media personally and it's been awesome
and I don't miss it and I think you
might feel the same way if you tried it
but even if I can't get you there can we
at least set some boundaries for
ourselves can we actually call instead
of text every now and then can we limit
our screen time and how much time
particularly we're spending on social
media when we're feeling lonely can we
refuse to reach for a device and instead
spend time with an actual person or at
least go where actual people are friends
this is not what God wants for us and
we're not flourishing we're increasingly
becoming lonely I feel it you feel it I
know it you know it is my phone making
me lonely yes so for the glory of God
for the good of your neighbor and for
your own personal Joy put it in a drawer
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