Is It Still Lying if You Use Science To Do It?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question is it still lying if you use
science to do it this is based on a case
that the Supreme Court just heard which
is on looking at a law in Tennessee
which rest restricted gender
transitioning care so-called uh the
providing of medical treatment to change
a person's biological sex in accordance
with their perceived gender identity
Tennessee passed a law saying you can't
do that until someone is 18 that they
have to be an adult to make that
decision that law has been appealed and
now has been heard by the Supreme Court
what caught my eye though was an article
in the Atlantic called uh this the push
for puberty blockers got ahead of the
research that was an interesting title
to me when I read the article I found
two things were true the author uh a
person who would hold to a non-biblical
worldview who thinks that that you
should provide this care for minors was
acknowledging that maybe their side has
been saying some things that are not
true uh the second thing that occurred
to me is that uh they've been lying that
that's a fancy way of saying
that the side promoting gender
transitioning has actually been lying to
us so I want to take time to walk
through four lies that they've been
telling the first is that the medical
community agrees that gender
transitioning care is good for children
actually they don't in fact in Europe
countries that have been doing this
longer than the United States like
England or Norway or even the
Netherlands where a lot of this uh
Medical Care was pioneered are now
saying actually the opposite that
providing this treatment puberty
blockers hormone blockers that that
providing this treatment to Children is
actually damaging it's not helpful
they're beginning to walk back these
treatments because they're proving to
not be as helpful as they thought
another lie is that the data says it's
helpful that Studies have shown actually
Studies have not shown in the United
States where the more prominent Medical
Association still affirm gender
transitioning care what is true is that
they're not affirming that care based on
actual scientific studies they're
affirming the Care on ideological
grounds politically uh socially they
think it's best but even the author of
the Atlantic article who's inclined to
agree with them said actually the data
is pretty SC scarce and in fact the data
that does exist suggests the exact
opposite another lie is that denying
this care leads to a greater increase of
suicide there was one English Clinic who
used to provide puberty blockers and
hormone therapy to children who were
seeking to transition and they stopped
doing that just cold turkey and then
they did a study over the next six to
nine months looking at had that
increased the instances of suicide or
suicidal ideation among their patients
and what they found was that the
increase was Zero It produced no change
whatsoever because denying this care
when you explain why and walk through
the reasons is not actually as
psychologically harmful as we were told
and then of course the fourth lie is
that well we're only doing this in cases
when it's absolutely necessary the
article in the Atlantic points out that
some of the most prominent doctors in
the United States will prescribe these
treatments after one meeting with a
patient sometimes patients as young as
12 years old listen if you met with a
12-year-old in my home one time you
wouldn't even know what toppings they
like on their Pizza let alone what they
ought to do with their bodies my point
is this Sometimes When We Stand For
Truth as God reveals it in the
scriptures in this case that God makes
people male and female and while mental
and and emotional health is a real
Challenge and it's something we need to
help people with we don't help people
live by teaching teing them to live at
odds with their bodies when you stand
for that sometimes you can feel like the
bad guy sometimes maybe even hearing an
inner voice that says am I right am I
listening to science is this going to
hurt someone but that inner voice is
coming from a secular culture that is
lying that's because God's truth always
leads to human flourishing God knows how
our bodies work he knows how life works
when we share his wisdom we always bless
Jesus said the truth will set you free
listen it's not the Bible That's lying
it's the medical community standing for
truth is not just the call of God on our
lives it is the way we love our
neighbors so keep doing it hey thanks so
much for watching this episode of wake
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