Is It Okay To Say Happy Holidays?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and today's episode we're asking the
question is it okay to say happy
holidays this is prompted by an article
I read in the Atlantic recently by
Elizabeth brunck who's a columnist that
I really find interesting she is herself
a Christian and she's asking the
question is this a hill that Christians
should die on should we be working so
hard to get people to say Merry
Christmas instead of happy holidays
should we see companies that are moving
from Christmas to holidays as an assault
on Christianity even as Christians
should we ourselves uh be okay with
saying happy holidays instead of Merry
Christmas and she makes the case that
actually she thinks happy holidays is a
fine substitute for Merry Christmas
here's why for from her perspective I'll
tell you what I think in just a second
she says first of all there are a lot of
Christian holidays in this season that
are not Christmas day uh Advent for
example is a whole celebration about the
coming of Jesus that does include
Christmas day but is bigger than that uh
if you're Catholic there are feasts
associated with this season that are a
part of the holidays but aren't actually
Christmas New Year's Day New Year's Eve
Thanksgiving if it's late November these
are holidays that Christians celebrate
that can be lumped into the banner happy
holidays but really don't fit under the
banner of Merry Christmas uh her second
argument is Hanukkah you know Judaism
and Christianity are are inextricably
linked because Judaism believes in the
Old Testament so do Christians that the
god of the Bible the god of Abraham
Isaac and Jacob is the one true God uh
when a Jewish person is celebrating
Hanukkah identifying with the story of
God rescuing Israel from the book of
mccabes uh are they doing something
awful from a Christian perspective and
if I wish them happy holidays uh as a
way of saying hey I'm celebrating
Christmas and you're celebrating
Hanukkah am I really compromising my
faith and then third she says hey isn't
Christian charity saying where possible
I want to uh see and celebrate other
people who might be celebrating for
example a secular Christmas instead of a
Christian Christmas so is she right well
it's a complicated answer to be honest
because on the one hand I do think
Christians have to be aware that there
is an anti-christian bent floating
through our culture it is often true
that the one religion you're allowed to
marginalize or to push or to treat
unfairly is Christianity in fact in my
own kids uh Elementary School for
example there was recently a celebration
of a Hindu holiday including making
something to a Hindu goddess now my
child did not participate but I as I
asked my wife the question can I come in
and do a birth of Jesus Christ story and
will make a project of the Son of God
who was born you know the answer to that
and so do I no you can't do that with
Christianity and it is time for
Christians to say you know what enough
if we live in a pluralistic society
where everybody gets to bring their
worldview to the table I'm okay with
that but everybody means everybody and
that means I get to bring mine my family
gets to bring ours Christian teachers
get to bring theirs you know I feel that
way we've talked about that in previous
episodes of wakeup lookup Christianity
is not a pinata for our secular culture
it's the worship of the one true God and
our King our Lord Jesus Christ it
matters it's meaningful it's not
something to be made little of on the
other hand though we have to be wary of
this kind of martyr complex just because
there's an anti-christian bent floating
through our culture doesn't mean every
little change is in and of itself
anti-christian WI a store says happy
holidays instead of Merry Christmas
aren't they just acknowledging the fact
that they have Je Jewish customers that
they have Muslim customers secular
customers customers that don't celebrate
the holidays uh they're just saying
we're not telling you what holiday to
celebrate when I get my cup of coffee if
they were to say to me happy Hanukkah
that would feel like I don't really
matter to them they're not really trying
to understand me or see me when they say
happy holidays I just say hey for me
that's Christmas I understand why
corporations are saying hey we want to
sell sneakers to Christians and Muslims
and Jewish people so let's put happy
holidays on the box I don't think that's
anti-christian if anything that is them
trying to be truly pluralistic I don't
think when Andy Williams sings happy
holidays he's being a secular or bowing
down to secular culture I just think
he's catching all the holidays under one
umbrella term listen when we overreact
to when culture really isn't aiming at
us and we pretend we're martyrs we
actually trivialize the meaningful times
where Christians are being treated
unfairly so here's a little feedback for
you celebrate Christmas boldly let's
sure make everyone in your circle aware
of the fact that for you Christmas isn't
about Hanukkah it isn't about any other
holiday it isn't about presents or Santa
Claus it's about the birth of Jesus
Christ be unabashedly Christian in your
celebration of Christmas but then be
kind in the way you deal with other
people as for me in my house we're going
to celebrate Christmas but I don't mind
telling you happy holidays when I see
you around the community because my love
for you is bigger than needing you to
give tacit approval to my faith holidays
the way we win people to Jesus is
through the preaching of the word and
the power of the holy spirit it's not
through a catchphrase or how we frame a
holiday so celebrate your Christmas but
be kind to those around
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