Does Your Christmas Need Less Magic?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question does your Christmas need less
magic this is prompted by an article I
read this week which was suggesting that
the holidays for many people are
becoming Relentless uh sources of stress
not joy that we're doing a lot of things
to keep up tradition to keep up uh
appearances and increasingly we're
feeling a little less joyful and a
little more burdened uh this is
especially true at least according to
the article I read of moms and that
makes sense to me exponentially because
usually behind a Christmas tradition is
a mom who's keeping the tradition going
and often doing most of the work
involved in that tradition if your
family was like mine or is like mine
it's Mom who gets the Christmas
decorations out it's Mom who reminds
everybody this Saturday we're baking
cookies or it's time to get the tree or
whatever it might be mom often is the
epicenter of the family tradition which
means then Mom is perpetually tired and
stressed and what the article was asking
all of us but in particular you mothers
is have you ever stopped to wonder if
you need to keep doing all the things
that you're doing so we asked the
question does your Christmas need less
magic the point is are there things that
you're currently doing in your
celebration of the holiday that you
don't really need to keep doing
sometimes what happens at least again
according to this article is that we
worry about future memories meaning hey
the reason we're doing this tradition is
that 20 years from now when the kids are
grown I will have this memory or they
will have the memory of a childhood full
of Christmas Joy uh but often times the
things we're doing the people we are
quote unquote doing them for wouldn't
mind if we let them go in fact the
article was connecting it to a trend
that was pretty popular a few years ago
and that was the trend led by Marie
condo to declutter and simplify your
home to get rid of the things that that
didn't meet her criteria which was that
you look at something and ask does this
spark joy and if it does you keep it and
if it doesn't you get rid of it the
article was suggesting that perhaps we
take that approach to our holiday season
that we look at our Traditions our
Gatherings the things we're doing and we
ask does this spark joy and if the
answer is no you cut it out well look
that might be true for some of us I I
certainly think uh drudgery is very
often uh leads to a negative family
experience it's not a positive one of
course as Christians we know though the
call of God in our lives is not just to
ask does this spark joy for me but also
to ask does this spark joy for others
Jesus said greater love has no one than
this that he laid down his life for his
friends that that involves thinking
about the joy of other people over and
against your own joy and moms you're
typically great at this that's why we
all love you you're always putting
everyone ahead of yourselves there's
something incredibly loving about that
but it might be time to take stock of
what we're doing and to acknowledge
there are things we're doing that no one
would be sad if we let go and as you're
going to hear me say perpetually in the
holiday season at wake up lookup it will
also mean saying there are things we're
not doing that will reorient us as to
the meaning and message of Christmas
because moms you shouldn't feel like you
have to Pedal to keep Christmas going
what keeps Christmas going is what
happened in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago
Christmas is not about you proving
you're the best mom with the most
festive Traditions Christmas is about
gathering around the love of a God who
did not wait for us to get to him but
Drew near to us and I think for you to
experience that is also for you to lean
in to the rest he offers you God didn't
wait for you to be a perfect mother with
perfect Traditions to draw near he came
to you in the mess in the clutter in the
stress through Jesus so by all means
audit your Christmas ask yourself are we
doing things that make us joyful get rid
of what no one wants to do anymore but
above all else all of us but mothers
especially find joy in what Jesus has
done the work of Christmas has been
accomplished find some rest this season
and know we all love you even if
Christmas isn't always perfect hey
thanks so much for watching this episode
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