Does the Road to Hell Go Through OnlyFans?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question does the road to
hell go through only fans as you might
imagine if you know what only fans is
this is not a kid-friendly
episode so make sure if you're listening
to it around children you pause and come
back to it later only fans is among
other things an adult content website it
gives people the opportunity to give
themselves a platform for all kinds of
things some of which is pornographic in
nature in exchange for developing their
own client or customer base where they
can make money uh and then it has been
in the news in the past week for two
stories both of which break my heart and
and to be frank make me want to be
incredibly pastoral in the next couple
of minutes the first story is about one
only fans Creator who is a bit of a
challenge uh she gave herself decided in
one day to sleep with a hundred men all
on video all for her paying customers
100 men in one day afterward she was
interviewed and among a great deal of
emotion said that she felt robotic after
30 and that she only remembered about 10
you might think in the emotional
Outburst afterwards that she had
realized how ugly and awful such a
heinous thing would be except for she
has since come out and said she is now
training for this February to aim at a
thousand men in a day the second story
is a woman who made $43
Million last year on only fans uh taking
money from customers uh largely older
men and she said that she still goes to
church every Sunday and that as far as
she's concerned the Lord is very
forgiving now the reason why these two
stories break my heart are different but
both of them have to do with the same
thing that only fans leads to hell and
the reason why I say that is is for two
one uh only fans is fueled by people who
want to watch other people have sex or
take their clothes off or be otherwise
sexually provocative it IST to feed the
appetite of sexual Sinners you know it's
interesting in our culture that the one
dominant ethic seems to be that uh uh
anything is moral as long as it doesn't
hurt anyone so the thinking goes hey if
this woman is getting paid for it then
hey no one's getting hurt she's making a
living and I'm getting my sexual
gratification except for does anyone
actually think that a woman sleeping
with a hundred men in a day isn't
damaging herself and when I say damaging
herself I mean in just about every way
you could possibly imagine physically
mentally emotionally socially
relationally and the fact that she is
now gearing up to do a thousand in one
day do we think that's going to be any
better of course not what that woman is
doing is destroying her own soul she's
reducing herself down to a piece of meat
and so when I say the road to only fans
leads to hell I'm not even in this
instance meaning that she is headed to
hell I'll come back to that in a second
I mean it's the people who are viewing
it and paying for it who are headed to
hell look the Bible makes clear that
unrepented unconfessed sin is a sign you
are not a follower of Jesus Jesus says
in Matthew 7 that on the day of judgment
there will be many people who will say
to him Lord Lord and He will say get
away from me I don't even know who you
are the Bible makes clear in first John
that the quickest evidence that you love
God is that you love your brother or
sister that you love your neighbor in
other words horizontal love is evidence
of vertical love and a lack of
horizontal love is an Evidence of a lack
of vertical love if you can watch a
woman do this to herself I find it very
hard to believe you have any
relationship with the god in whose image
she is made pornography isn't just a
problem because it just will destroy
your marriage or use up all your money
money or degrade the way you think about
other men or women it's a problem
because it leads you straight to hell
you exchange the truth about God for a
moment of gratification yes I know Jesus
came to die for our sins it's his grace
that gets us into heaven but this is the
same Jesus who in Romans 10 Paul says if
you confess with your mouth that Jesus
is Lord Lord means king Lord means ruler
Lord means Authority and you're not
going to tell me that it was Jesus's
idea for you to log in and watch this
woman be mutilated and by the way that's
my second Point making $43 million on
only fans is a problem not just sexually
but it is a long con you are separating
older lonelier people in this case with
this woman her dominant audience being
elderly men you are separating them from
their hard-earned money you are it
titilating them enough to separate them
from their cash you're sinning against
them in multiple ways and the Lord is
forgiving to those who confess and
repent of their sin in his letter to the
Corinthian Church Paul will say so some
some of you were this and that he'll
talk about sexual immorality some of you
were sexually immoral and then he says
you used to be because now you've met
Jesus it's that used to be that carries
the weight of the Gospel a woman who can
go to church or a man for for that
matter every Sunday having spent their
week violating and sinning against God
their body and their neighbor is a
person who does not understand sin or
their need for a Savior and Lord listen
I believe we will answer to God not just
for what we do on camera but what we for
what we watch other people do on camera
that road does lead to Hell which is why
you must confess your sin today seek
repentance seek Grace and know that that
means the authority of Jesus if you're
addicted to pornography if you're
regularly viewing pornography get help
better to get help today in the words of
Jesus than to go to hell with both eyes
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