Does Love Lie?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question does Love Lie this
is prompted by a very honest and
vulnerable essay I read about Al by
Alison sweet Grant in the New York Times
about her own experience as a child and
her parents lying to her she dealt with
a couple of physical uh realities and
one of them required surgery and her
parents told her it would be painless
that the recovery process would be
smooth when in fact she has lived in
pain for most of her life after that and
she was reflecting on that she was kind
of picking at the idea of parents lying
to their kids let's just say this before
we go any further uh who Among Us hasn't
done that from time to time sometimes it
feels like the easiest and simplest
thing to do to your kids is to just
shade the truth a little bit because
they're not old enough or wise enough or
ready for the actual truth and in this
case uh Allison sweet Grant said that's
what her parents did and it might have
made sense to them but it actually
caused her a lot of damage because as
she reflects upon it she realizes that
was when she first started to believe
that those who cared about her those in
Authority might not be trustworthy she
talks about how lies can feel loving but
even research shows that uh That Loving
Feeling doesn't last because eventually
the person finds out that you shaded the
truth and as a result The Experience
they have of losing confidence in
someone they thought they should trust
is in many ways more damaging than the
truth would have been in the moment
and the reason why this is so relevant
is because this is bigger than parents
and kids uh this is everything from the
wife saying to the husband how do I look
to the friend inviting you to the thing
you don't want to go to and you creating
a a madeup reason why you can't go we
all feel from time to time like the
kindest simplest most loving thing to do
is to lie but here's the reality of
following Jesus it isn't following Jesus
if you only do what he tells you to do
when you already agree with it the magic
of the Christian Life is the idea that
God has made himself knowable which
means when he tells us to Zig when we
might have otherwise zagged when he
tells us to tell the truth when we feel
like the most loving thing to do is to
lie it isn't that He is wanting to make
us miserable it's that he's telling us
he knows something we don't know about
what will lead us to happiness and the
person we're talking to to happiness as
well look Jesus said this way in John
chapter 8 the truth will set you free
there's a connection between knowing and
believing and understanding the truth
and actually living a life free free of
insecurity free of doubt and free of
relational Brokenness now listen the
truth does need to be shared in love in
Ephesians 4 Paul makes this clear when
we tell the truth we should do so and a
loving and kind way there is some truth
sometimes to the what the advice your
mom used to give when she would say if
you don't have anything nice to say just
don't say anything no one's telling you
you have to run around with a stream of
Consciousness and then couch your
painful words in saying hey I'm supposed
to tell the truth but what the Bible is
telling us is that truth leads to
Freedom relationally when it is shared
in love listen the reason why we lie is
often because we're afraid of what will
happen Paul tells us in second Timothy
that God has not given us a spirit of
fear listen we lie to each other a lot
because we don't want to hurt each other
that's what we say but is it not also
true that we're more isolated and lonely
and bad at relationships than we've ever
been maybe we don't know what we're
doing maybe when the husband says to his
wife you look fine when he thinks he's
being kind maybe her takeaway is uh
maybe the way I look doesn't doesn't
move the needle for him anymore the
point is we can't possibly understand
the consequences of anything we say as
they Ripple out but God can and he tells
us truth is the way to Love by the way
Jesus modeled this read the gospels and
just this is just a fun study as fun as
the way a pastor would Define it for you
this weekend read a gospel and just make
note of every time Jesus says something
true and uncomfortable true and
difficult true and hard every time that
you and I might have been tempted to to
shade the truth might have been tempted
to soften it but he doesn't but wasn't
Jesus loving isn't he the ultimate
expression of love it's because Jesus
understood something the Proverbs writer
says which I think is a powerful
powerful truth is that he talks about
faithful are the wounds of a friend
that's Proverbs 276 that actually loving
someone is caring enough about them to
tell the truth believing they love you
enough to say I just don't want to go to
that thing this weekend because I'm
feeling pretty rund down and I need a
break that invites a conversation about
how you're doing and how they might care
for you that making up a reason why you
can't be there doesn't do listen when we
are honest with each other when we say
the hard thing in love when we hear the
hard thing in love it actually frees us
up to really be in relationship to be
vulnerable to be honest to be known and
to know that's what God wants for us
does Love Lie it doesn't how do I know
that because God is love and he never
lies hey thanks so much for watching
this episode of wake up lookup while
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