Do You Need A DOGE?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question do you need a doge
uh Doge has been in the headlines lately
a lot you might say it's the only thing
that's been in the headlines Doge by the
way do stands for Department of
government efficiency it's the new
organization that President Trump has
launched led by Elon Musk looking at
waste and inefficiency in the government
and how to cut it and boy have they been
cutting as of the time of this recording
85 contracts have been terminated for
the federal government resulting in a $1
billion cut to the budget and that
sounds staggering except for uh that is
only 25% of their daily goal that's
right doge is setting out to cut 4
billion a day out of the federal budget
which they hope will result in a year
total of one
trillion being cut from the federal
budget as you might imagine this is
causing a lot of angst mean some people
love it there some people feel like the
government has been wasting money for a
long time and it's about time someone
held them accountable other people are
pointing to to meaningful programs or
projects that are being cut that we
might regret cutting one day I'll let
you figure out where you stand with the
government entity Doge it feels Beyond
uh my expertise but it does have me
thinking a lot about
evaluation and here's the thing I think
most Christians need to hear uh we need
our own version of Doge what I what I
mean by that is that the Bible has a lot
to say about personal evaluation about
undergoing your own kind of efficiency
study to ask am I living the life that
I'm supposed to live am I living the
life that I want to live I I think for
example of Hebrews 12 where the writer
says let us lay aside the sin and the
distractions that get in the way of what
we're doing but that makes me ask when's
the last time I actually sat down took a
look at my life my calendar my budget my
mental and emotional state and said what
is the sin and what are the distractions
that are getting in the way because my
life is a lot like the federal
government left unchecked I just keep
adding things left unquestioned I just
keep experiencing drift and waste I'm in
need of renewal I'm in need of looking
and taking stock and eliminating the
things that shouldn't be there and
eliminating the things that get in the
way of Jesus after all the psalmist will
pray in Psalm 51 create in me a clean
heart and renew a spirit within me that
that sense of renewal is true life has a
way of drifting me away from God and it
takes a pretty meaningful process of
examination to send me back it's the
very process Paul had in mind in Romans
12 when he says to be transformed by the
renewal of your mind well what do I need
a renewal because my mind tends to move
me away from God not towards him and the
Bible does tell me that one day I am GI
going to give an account of my life to
God in Matthew 25 Jesus tells us that
we'll be divided into the sheep and the
goats the Sheep God's people are going
to be the ones who not only confess
faith in Jesus but that faith in Jesus
led to them doing the things Jesus
called them to do to care for the sick
to care for the poor to care for those
in prison to take care of widows and
orphans and on and on all this to say
what would it look like for you and I to
set some time aside to undergo a
personal kind of Doge a department of
Life efficiency to ask ourselves whether
the rhythms of our lives are taking us
where we want to go whether they're
leading us ultimately to God I think
sometimes we don't want to do that kind
of evaluation because we're worried
about what we might find we might we
might be not as far along as we wish we
were but of course I want to remind you
that where sin abounds Grace abounds all
the more when we go to God with lives of
drift lives of excess lives of waste we
will find a God who is merciful and kind
and forgiving but we'll also find a God
who wants to make a few Cuts there is no
reason our lives can't be the kingdom
advancing Kingdom moving God s saturated
Holy Spirit experiencing kind of lives
that we want them to be but they won't
get there by accident so this weekend
find some time to undergo your own
review and eliminate the things that are
getting in the way of you following
Jesus hey thanks so much for watching
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