Do Grades Matter?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking do
grades matter this is coming from a New
York Times oped piece written by Adam
Grant who you might have heard of
because he's written a couple of
national bestsellers he's an
organizational psychologist most of his
writing is in leadership and what makes
a healthy organization he's also though
a professor at the Wharton School of
Business in the University of
Pennsylvania which is one of the Premier
business schools in the country at an
Ivy League institution and in his oped
article he was making the point that
students are increasingly believing that
grades don't matter that what matters is
effort and he thinks that's leading us
to some pretty unhealthy places which I
thought was interesting uh for example
he he starts anecdotally with uh his own
experience in a recent class where he
had a couple of students approach him at
the end of the class who were upset with
their grades for the semester and and
what their their basic argument was is
that this grade doesn't reflect the
effort that I put into this class that's
an interesting thought hey I I tried
hard I should get a better grade because
of course grades are primarily about
what you accomplish not about how much
work you put into it's possible to work
hard and not actually produce results
and that's the Crux of the argument Adam
Grant's making the point that we're a
culture that has really told kids for
the last 20 years that what matters is
trying hard and they've been listening
and so increasingly college students are
saying results are not the point effort
is is in fact 2third of college students
in the United States believe that trying
hard should be sufficient to pass a
class that trying hard is the point not
the result in fact most college students
according to Grant believe that they
should get a B just for showing up for
class so if I show up I get a B if I if
I do well result wise maybe then I get
an A their point is what matters I'm
trying not that I can actually pass a
test or write a good paper but is that
what matters it's an interesting thing
because it's a broader conversation than
just college students for all of us in
every industry we're in or relationships
we're in uh we have to determine what
actually is the metric by which we're
going to evaluate ourselves results or
effort does it matter if I lose weight
or if if I'm just dieting does it matter
if I gain muscle or if I just go to the
gym does it matter if I make Financial
progress or if I'm just trying to live
on a budget how are we going to evaluate
ourselves and Grant's point is a great
one I think if we make the conversation
all about effort it will stunt our
progress as humans he he uses the
example maybe you can resonate with this
from your own college experience that a
lot of students will not study until the
night before an exam and then they'll
stay up all night the night before
slamming for the test and what he says
is when they perform poorly on the exam
they will say well that's not fair I
tried hard but probably what they should
be saying is hey maybe my strategy or
method for studying is not good maybe
sleep matters and maybe I should have
started studying early on in the
semester because that kind of thinking
will actually lead to
self-improvement if we convince
ourselves even spiritually that what
matters is that I'm getting up every
morning and reading the Bible what
matters is that I'm praying and we
disconnect from actual results am I
developing my understanding of who God
is am I developing a heart that's more
open to what he has to say to me am I
growing in my obedience if we make it
only about effort and not at all about
result we'll end up wasting a lot of
time and I think even actually uh losing
the reason for why we're doing something
maybe you're experiencing this you're
getting up in the morning and you're
spending time with God but it feels
pointless and it feels fruitless I think
that's probably because you've
disconnected it from the why what is it
you're supposed to be seeing what is it
it's supposed to be producing I think of
Psalm 19 for example where the psalmist
says that the law of the Lord is Del
delightful it's good for the soul
because it makes wise the simple it it's
the gaining of wisdom that is the point
I think Grant is giving us insight into
something that can really help us
spiritually and that is a reorientation
not just saying what's the effort I'm
putting into growing spiritually but
also saying am I seeing results and if
you feel like your effort is not leading
to results maybe seek some counseling
from an older brother or sister in
Christ or from your pastor to say hey
how can I change my strategy of seeking
to grow in my knowledge seeking to grow
in my obedience to Jesus how can I
change what I'm doing so that I actually
am growing effort matters but so does
results and results often show us if our
efforts being spent in the right place
here we are at the beginning of a year
let's make sure we're pursuing both of
those things with equal Vigor especially
as it relates to our relationship ship
with Jesus hey thanks so much for
watching this episode of wake up lookup
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