Can You Outgrow Your Family?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and today's episode we're asking the
question can you outgrow your family
this is prompted by a New York Times
opinion piece I read this week but
uh it's more prompted by the first
chapter of the Gospel of Matthew that's
because the opinion piece itself was
commenting on the family tree of Jesus
and how complicated it is how full of
tough stories it is and what we might
take away from that it's actually one of
my favorite things to think about and
talk about I want to take a second and
maybe be a little more pastoral than
news reporter in this episode of wake up
lookup because I think there's something
here for all of us I don't know if
you've spent a lot of time reading the
genealogy of Jesus in Matthew chapter 1
if you haven't and you have space you
might hit pause on this episode go read
it and then come back but even if you
get to it later what you're going to
find is a long list of names but many of
those names show up in the Old Testament
meaning you can read their stories and
their stories are particularly
complicated in fact there are four women
in the genealogy of Jesus and that's
pretty rare for the first century
typically you would go man to man in the
genealogy you would omit the women for
all the reasons you might imagine but
Matthew doesn't do that for Jesus and he
doesn't do that for a reason because
often it's the women who show the men's
sinfulness in their stories women like
Tamar whose story you can find in
Genesis or basba whose story you can
find in the writings about David these
are women who were sinned against women
who were victims of pretty awful and ha
things women whose stories are part of
Jesus's family tree meaning Jesus didn't
come from a pristine family now why is
that important well really for two
reasons and my guess is you need to hear
at least one if not both of these uh the
first is that uh in the church you
shouldn't have to hide the shame and
struggles of your family I think
sometimes in Christianity there can be
this idea that we need to present an
idic version of ourselves at least on
Sundays that even in the things we say
to our kids about what they wear how
they act at church we're wanting to work
so hard to present ourselves as air
quotes perfect families uh but why where
does that come from it doesn't come from
the Bible and it doesn't come from Jesus
because the very beginning of the very
first book about the life of Jesus he
leads s with the shame and struggles of
Jesus's family uh he has violence in his
family he has wickedness in his family
he has marital infidelity illegitimate
children in his family Matthew is saying
Hey to really understand this guy you
need to understand at least part of
where he comes from and if that's true
if Jesus wasn't hiding the shame and
sinfulness of his family then isn't him
who's encouraging us to do it instead
it's our pride it's our religion it's
the Judgment of those around us but of
course when we do that we make it so
that no one really gets to know us not
the real us only the sanitized version
but Jesus isn't coming to a sanitized
World he's coming to A real one a broken
one and he's encouraging us to meet him
there that's something I think a lot of
us need to hear but the second thing is
that you your future is not determined
by your family tree Jesus comes from a
sinful and shameful family but he isn't
sinful or shameful uh he is the greatest
man to ever live he's the son of God
through whom God will redeem all of his
people Jesus shows us that the gospel
takes people from broken families and
leads them to brighter Futures I wonder
how many of us feel as though we are
doomed to repeat the mistakes of
previous generations that someone with
our last name someone with our DNA our
genetics can't ever become bigger and
better than those who came before us but
that isn't coming from the Bible either
in fact one of my favorite things in 20
years of pastoral Ministry is seeing
family trees that are altered when moms
and dads men and women meet Jesus and
realize all the sudden there's something
in them that is stronger than their
genealogy stronger than their DNA and
stronger than their past listen Jesus is
coming in Matthew one in the midst of a
broken family is meant to give you hope
and I hope it will give you hope in the
new year you can transcend your family
you don't need to hide the struggles of
your family and if you're willing to
dream in both of those directions it
will be Jesus who meets you and leads
you there hey thanks so much for
watching this episode of wake up lookup
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