Can You Handle You?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question can you handle you
this is based on a book that's getting
ready to come out by Ethan cross called
shift and it's a book about handling
your own emotions which I have to be
honest with you most of us are not
really good at and I'm talking about
myself here as well one of the things
cross points to in his book is that in a
2015 study uh we find that 90% of the
time you and I are dealing with a major
dominant emotion 90% of the time there
is a big feeling that is happening in me
and happening in you whether we're aware
of it or not and that's interesting
because 40% of Americans believe you
cannot control your emotions think think
about that that means 90% of the time
I'm dealing with something that 40% of
you think is impossible to deal with
which means as much as I like to think
of myself as independent and
freethinking and autonomous I'm really
just driven by whatever emotion I'm
feeling in the mo in the moment and
cross has written his book to help
people deal with that he he uses an
approach called distanced selft Talk
which is basically the idea that I need
to learn to speak about myself to myself
like instead of saying I feel angry I
say you are angry that somehow by
stepping outside of myself I can get
perspective I don't know if that works
or not but it does make me think about
what the Bible says and listen the Bible
has a lot to say about emotions uh
because God knows who we are he knows
that we're struggling I think of a
recent survey at the church where I work
that said that 20% of the men in our
church would identify their anger as the
number one problem facing them and their
family God knows we struggle with
emotions which is why he said a lot
about it but I don't want to teach you
distanced selft talk instead I want to
say the Bible for thousands of years has
been telling you that the right and best
way to deal with your emotions is in
prayer there's a great quote by John
Calvin that I love and he says this
prayer changes us it doesn't change God
there's nothing we go to God and ask him
to do that is good that he isn't already
inclined to do even when God gives us a
no it's because he's got something
better for us he is infinitely good
infinitely wise infinitely just we don't
pray to move the hand of God we pray so
that God's hand might move us it's
aligning ourselves with the heart of God
this is what Paul means by the way in
Philippians 4 when he tells us that when
we're dealing with anxiety we should go
to God in prayer and then he says that
God's peace which passes understanding
Will Comfort us but you got to notice
the order of operations he says when
you're feeling anxious that's an
acknowledgement of at least one big
emotion you need to go to God In Prayer
you need to tell God I feel anxious and
you get the peace from God not magically
but by realizing in that God loves you
enough to hear your big emotions that
God loves you enough to actually talk
about your negative feelings for some of
us it might produce shame to go to God
and admit we're worried because worry is
a kind of a lack of faith but God knows
that and God tells us to bring it and
when we bring it and leave it with him
we walk away with peace knowing there's
a God who loves us even though we're
dealing with anxiety by the way Jesus
modeled this
in Luke 22 when he's facing his own
death and The Crucible of his torture
and his resurrection he prays he prays
he goes to God with his concern and if
Jesus dealt with emotions that were so
big he needed to take them to God then
what does that mean for those of us who
are squarely in the not Jesus category
listen Isaiah 26:3 has this beautiful
line about the peace that comes from
that that God will help you with your
problems that all those who look to God
are at rest because he will handle it
listen friends the path forward in your
emotions is not to swallow them or to
muscle your way through them or to stop
paying attention and just distract
yourself with doom scrolling or
netflixing the answer is to go to God In
Prayer what if prayer is not as much a
duty not as much a religious ritual as
much as it is going to the person who
loves you most and best and just
unburdening your heart and believing
that not only does he love you not only
does he want to hear about it but he
actually can help 90% of the time you're
dealing with an emotion that is too big
for you maybe the four out of 10 people
who think we can't control them are
right but even if they are we know
someone who can help so why would we
wait any longer to go to him and pray
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