Can We Fix Our Trust Issues?


hello everyone thanks for listening to

wake up lookup a podcast where we

connect events happening in real time to

the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck

and today's episode we're asking the

question can we fix our trust issues

this is prompted by a story that's been

in the news recently and then by an

opinion piece about it I read in the

Wall Street Journal so if you haven't

seen this in the news lately have been

stories of drone sightings um kind of

all over the country inexplicable

unidentifiable large aircrafts that are

hovering uh in uh New England in the

Northeast in New Jersey and in

California among other places typically

hovering over uh military installations

and uh key infrastructure sites

and that's caused as you might imagine a

significant amount of alarm you have the

normal alien concerns but then also a

foreign power concerns concerns that as

one person posited maybe a country like

Iran is flying aircraft into American

airspace and over American targets it

has caused quite the Uproar and it isn't

just like one of those late night radio

conspiracy things airports have been

shut down elected officials in these

areas have acknowledged seeing them and

not knowing what is going on there's a

lot of reasonable people asking a lot of

reasonable questions and getting no real

answers in response the United States

government has basically refused to

comment on them sometimes saying hey a

lot of this is explainable and it's

normal aircraft and it's really nothing

to be concerned about but certainly not

speaking to every every instance and the

problem with that is that it gives room

and rise to rumors and conspiracy

theories of all sort as to what is going

on there's even one bizarre theory that

the government is uh staging what looks

like an alien invasion so that they can

justify authoritarian control and you

might think that's crazy I I think

that's crazy but it's also the kind of

thing that gets posited when no answers

are being offered it's also the kind of

thing that people believe in a situation

where the government over the last 10

years or so has kind of habitually lied

to the American people and gotten caught

remember the Chinese spy balloon for

example which we were told was no big

deal but then was shot down over the

Atlantic Ocean of course we know now

with covid that some of the things we

were hearing were true and some of them

were exaggerations or opinion being

presented as fact there were the flights

that were taking uh migrants from one

city to another that was only confessed

when discovered the point is you've got

this thing where the government doesn't

seem to think they owe any answers

sometimes when they give answers they're

not truthful and the result is that the

public increasingly doesn't believe

their leaders and so when something

happens that's inexplicable and

potentially worrisome like drones flying

in the sky above us we start to panic

this as usual is symptomatic of a larger

problem in our culture we have a

leadership crisis and what I mean by

that is increasingly we are skeptical

and cynical of our leaders and

increasingly we have good reason to be

that way look I'm not saying the

government owes me a full throated

explanation of what very well might be

some kind of top secret thing they're

doing I understand the logic the

government has to engage in activities

that they can't tell me everything that

they're doing but why not come out and

say that why not come out and say listen

we know about this we know what's going

on it's nothing to worry about don't

pretend people don't see what they don't

see because the government right now's

answer is there's nothing going on but

we know that there is look if you're a

leader listening to this or you're a

valuating leaders as you listen to this

you should think about this Jesus said

the truth will set set you free and he

meant that in just about every direction

certainly leaders don't owe all the

truth all the time there's a need for

secrecy at times there's a need for

discretion at times but for all of our

leaders there's like a trust meter and

certain activities build trust and

certain activities lose trust leaders

should give the most full and complete

answer they can give they should value

transparency and accountability when

possible full explanation should be

given because first that shows leaders

will do that it builds trust among

people that hey when possible you will

give us the answer but second it shows

that when it isn't possible there must

be a good reason this is where I think

Christians can really shine as Leaders

because Christians will be understanding

that to needlessly ausc to needlessly

hide creates cynicism and it creates

dissension that true collaboration in

any environment a church a school a

company a government means honest and

forthright transparency and

accountability I don't think that's too

much to ask and I don't think there's a

way for us to be healthy as a country

without it the government should give us

answers even if the best answer is that

it can't tell us everything hey thanks

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Creators and Guests

Zach Weihrauch
Zach Weihrauch
Follower of Jesus who has graciously given me a wife to love, children to shepherd, and a church to pastor.
Can We Fix Our Trust Issues?
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