Can the Gospel Handle Complexity?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question can the gospel
handle complexity I'm asking this
because of a conversation that's
happening in American politics right now
I I just want to use the political issue
as a launching off point for talking
about how we might think about politics
from a gospel perspective the the
political issue is what's called
Birthright citizenship I read about it
this week in the Washington Post it's
something the Trump Administration is
seeking to reverse Birthright
citizenship is just the idea that if
you're born in the United States you are
automatically a citizen now for most
people uh their parents are from in the
United States they were born in the
United States because that's where their
family lives of course it follows they
would be citizens where this becomes
complicated though is there actually
families who will come into the country
illegally in the hopes of having their
child in the United States because their
child then would be a US citizen it's a
way of kind of getting around
immigration law or at least it can be if
you see it cynically it is a right
though that is enshrined in the US
Constitution the 14th Amendment declares
if you're born in the United States you
are a citizen but the Trump
Administration is arguing that should
change that it is creating an
immigration loophole and actually
incentivizing people to illegally enter
the country uh they want to move from
Birthright citizenship to citizenship
established on blood in other words that
you have to have you have to come from
parents who are themselves Americans now
countries all over the world are divided
on this and the uh South America North
America the Caribbean those kinds of
countries uh Birthright citizenship is
law it's the way things are done it's a
tradition stemming from colonialism
where if you were uh your family had
come over as part of the European
migration and you were born in a country
you were a citizen of that country
however in Europe that this is switching
European countries concerned about the
same immigration loopholes are moving to
citizenship by Blood they're saying it
doesn't matter if you're born in the
country you need to be born to parents
who are themselves citizens it's a hotly
debated thing because on the one side
you have kind of the Law and Order crowd
saying what's the point of having
immigration laws if people can just work
around them on the other side you have
the the people concerned about the more
Humanity aspect of this and going wait a
minute we're denying babies an actual
right that they should have based on the
decisions that their parents have made
and and this is one of those issues
where certainly we can bring the gospel
to Bear but you're going to have trouble
finding a verse in the New Testament
that says Thou shalt or Thou shalt not
practice Birthright citizenship I think
we all feel pretty confident about
speaking into politics when the Bible is
absolutely clear uh something like
abortion where the Bible makes clear
that's murder is easier than something
like Birthright citizenship where we
have to kind of walk a line or a tension
but that's kind of the point of this
episode we should walk that tension
Christians shouldn't be afraid of
complexity the gospel isn't afraid of
complexity because the Bible affirms
both of these things on the one hand the
Bible affirms the idea that the
government is God's ordained Authority
it in Romans 13 we're told it Bears the
sword God has given it the government
passes laws it enforces its borders its
boundaries it defines what it looks like
to be a citizen of that country when
countries make laws regarding
immigration they're doing what God has
ordained them to do they're doing the
work of the government and certainly
governments have to think about how to
protect their current citizens how to
how to create healthy environments for
their citizens in which they can
flourish on the other hand the Bible
does have a lot to say about loving your
neighbor and about seeing all people as
our neighbors and refusing those those
who would dehumanize someone based on
where they're from or socioeconomic
status so how did Christians move
forward saying the Bible does give the
government Authority but it does not
allow me to demonize my neighbor well we
move forward by holding those in each
hand we we move forward by showing we
can walk and chew gum at the same time
Christians should be reconcilers in
these kinds of debates where we're
affirming Law and Order but refusing to
to dehumanize and demonize people from
other countries or people who are
seeking what we all enjoy which is the
American dream and the hope of of living
in this prosperous country Christians
have to be able to handle nuance and the
whole point of this episode is not
really about telling you how to view
Birthright citizenship it's to reject
those who are so quick to run to one
corner or the other this is a complex
issue and one of the ways we can respect
the law and love our neighbors is to be
okay with that reject those who offer
overly simplistic Solutions reject those
who appeal to the baser parts of who we
are and say there must be a path forward
for us that is both respecting the
government's Authority and loving our
neighbor because after all God would
never ask us to do two things that
conflict so there must be a path forward
let's keep looking till we find it this
is is not a tension to solve it's a
tension to manage and that is how we can
be the salt of the earth the light of
the world the city on a hill hey thanks
so much for watching this episode of
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