Can Jesus Save the Internet?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and in today's episode we're
asking the question can Jesus Save the
Internet returning to a topic we've
covered before in a little bit of a
different way and that is the growing
fight against internet pornography
particularly limiting its access uh to
children or limiting the access children
have to pornography the Supreme Court is
currently uh considering an argument uh
in favor of uh age verification software
being used by states to require
pornography companies to ensure the
people accessing their material are the
appropriate age uh 19 States across our
country have enacted these Technologies
requiring them by law and the
pornography companies are suing saying
that that is a free speech violation and
it is anticipated hopefully that the
Supreme Court is going to rule against
the pornography companies legitimizing
that states can use technology to ensure
that children aren't accessing
pornography it is bizarre to me that
this is something we're even arguing
about but let's leave that for another
day the truth is that rapid advancements
in technology are making it so that we
really can do this you really can make
sure that someone accessing pornography
is an adult and not a child which means
that more and more as technology
advances we can continue to make the
internet a safer place which is good
news because I think that's exactly what
Jesus wants and would expect of his
church at least for those of us that are
working in the technology industry uh
Jesus does want the internet to be a
place for human flourishing now the
reason why I say that is because at the
end of the New Testament The Book of
Revelation Jesus says behold I am making
all things new and all things as you
might imagine in the original language
means all things that includes the
internet Jesus's vision of the internet
is that it is made new it is a place
fitting with the idea that he has of
human flourishing but we are a long way
off from that eventual destination but
the work of redeeming the internet is
the work of Christians this is what Paul
means in Romans 12 when he talks about
overcoming evil with good that is the
work of the church finding evil in our
world and working to eradicate it to
destroy it to minimize it that is the
work we're called to in Matthew 5 Jesus
tells us we're the salt of the earth we
are the light of the world what is he
saying that we are called to season and
clarify our world with truth he's not
just talking about preaching the gospel
although certainly he's talking about in
every Avenue of Life everywhere we go we
bring the truth with us in this case
saying the truth is pornography is evil
it is V and children shouldn't be as
accessing it listen when we talk about
spiritual warfare we're not talking
about something esoteric when I read
that the pornography companies are
arguing that if we limit access to
pornography on the Internet it's a it's
a blow against Free Speech anywhere
that's laughable to me of course we're
restricting children that's just the
kind of arguments you make when you're
working for evil and make no mistake
about it pornography is evil it's
working for evil it's an industry in
which Satan is moving which is why we
have to meet him on the battlefield on
the battlefield of the internet on the
battlefield of legislation or in
courtrooms or wherever he goes fighting
darkness is our job listen as a kid
growing up in the church I often had
this view of Christianity that Jesus had
come to live and die for my sin he had
risen from the dead I needed to give my
life to him to be forgiven and then I
was just waiting around for heaven to
come it didn't feel like Christianity
offered much in the way of daytoday
meaning and purpose but it does and if
you're feeling like I was feeling back
then I want you to see that
opportunities like this to push back
against darkness is our daytoday work
and we can win 19 states have done this
why not 39 why not 49 why not 50 listen
we need more and more Christians to
connect their faith to their work in a
way that says I am pushing back against
Darkness I'm pushing back against evil
can Jesus Save the Internet absolutely
and anything else that his people take
him seriously about hey thanks so much
for watching this episode of wake up
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