Can Education Cure Sin?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question can education cure sin and
before I tell you the story this is
coming from this is a vital question for
our time and age because I think
overwhelmingly our society believes that
education is the key to Leading people
to morality education is the key to
changing people uh but more and more
we're finding that isn't true in this
case this is coming from a New York
Times article written by Charles Piller
who actually has a book coming out on
this topic and it goes like this
Alzheimer's affects over 7 million
Americans it's a devastating and dehab
disease that probably you know someone
who has dealt with or is dealing with
this disease and if that's the case my
heart goes out to you because it can be
a horrific experience for them and for
you uh the leading researcher on
Alzheimer's in fact someone who has
risen to National prominence taking a
number of influential roles has recently
been discovered to be a fraud that's
right the research that made him famous
it turns out key elements of it he
fabricated that's the point of pillar's
book and the point of the article that I
read in fact this researcher generated
over 600 fraudulent studies
600 fraudulent studies that became some
of the leading information for how we
deal with Alzheimer's how we understand
it how we treat it and if you don't
understand how the scientific and
medical community works is that when one
of these studies comes out it becomes
the basis for future studies so it's
like playing Jinga if you take out the
wrong Block in this case say hey these
600 studies are erroneous the whole
Tower comes down because these 600
fraudulent Studies have been cited over
880,000 times in other medical studies
and scholarly Journal articles it's led
to a number of erroneous conclusions
pillar's kind of whole point is we
really don't know what we think we know
about Alzheimer's and we've set
ourselves back a generation of research
because one guy lied constantly about
his research now why did he do that well
the Bible tells us we're all Sinners and
the truth is the more your research gets
publish the more money you make the more
Prestige you get the more positions you
you OB Ain and and pride and greed are
part of what it means to be sinful
people but the point I want to make here
is as you might imagine this researcher
is an educated guy a number of degrees
on the wall you can't do these studies
or obtain this status without
educational criteria being met he is
highly educated but he's still a liar he
is highly educated but greed and pride
are are still a reality that's because
the Bible tells us that all of us fall
short of the glory of God education
doesn't change the human heart status
doesn't mean you don't get greedy or
proud in our country we tend to think
that all of our problems from racism to
Greed from Pride to marital difficulty
can be solv by one more degree one more
book one more piece of information that
if we could just Ed educate everyone the
world would be safe and peaceful and
prosperous especially in areas like
science where all that matters is
chasing the truth except for that isn't
true because people are sinful no matter
what degrees they have education doesn't
change the human heart you take me to a
neighborhood where everyone has a
college degree and I'll show you the
same neighborhood where marriages are
crumbling where bigotry is still still
existent where neighbor love isn't
happening because people live there and
people are sinful this story is a
reminder to us as Christians that this
is why preaching the gospel to people
matters not just because it changes
their Eternal status with God but
because only Jesus can transform Sinners
this is the point that Paul makes in 2
Corinthians 5 it is Jesus who takes us
from unrighteous to righteous it's Jesus
who fulfills the promises of Ezekiel and
Jeremiah for God to take out our Heart
of Stone and to give us a heart of Flesh
it's Jesus who can eat a meal with
zachus and turn a thief and extortionist
into a Kind and Generous neighbor loving
man by sharing with him the reality of
who Jesus is and what he has come to do
look say education matters Medicine
Science these things matter but if we
make them ultimate not only are we
misplacing them but we're not fixing
what is actually ailing ailing us not
only is a world broken but we'll find
Decades of research being flushed down
the toilet because although we
understand the human body we don't
understand the human heart only God does
that's why we need Jesus and that's why
the people around you even if they're
highlevel medical researchers need him
too hey thanks so much for watching this
episode of wake up lookup while you're
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