Are You Quiet Divorced?
hello everyone thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question are you quiet divorced now I'm
taking this title from two places one is
you might remember there was a trend uh
in the last few years called quiet
quitting and and that's when you have a
job and you decide you don't really love
that job but you need the money so
you're not going to quit you're just
going to stop trying hard you're going
to kind of quiet quit you're going to do
the minimum amount of effort to keep the
job but not worry about progressing in
the job or doing it well that's where
the quiet part comes from but as for the
divorce part that comes from a New York
Times article I read about a pretty
staggering Trend that's picking up steam
in our country which is married couples
living apart so they're staying married
there's a variety of reasons for that
some of them Financial tax related and
logistical but living in different
places and I don't mean like he's in one
bedroom and she's in the other I mean
like she's in an apartment 20 minutes
down the road that kind of living apart
in fact 3% of married couples in the
United States live apart you might say
well 3% that's not a lot and you're
right but that's a growing number and 3%
of married couples in the United States
is 3.89 million couples that that's a
lot of people who are married but living
apart and my guess is not many of you
listening to this podcast are actually
doing this uh but I want to point out
instead kind of the trends that are
leading to this and how we need to work
against those things in our own
marriages because I think there are
three cultural Trends leading to these
couples living apart the first is that
we are increasingly living at a sub uh
biblical level in our marriages in other
words the Bible has a vision of marriage
that involves Oneness intimacy being
fully known and fully loved a marriage
that is pushing you to grow spiritually
in all the be best ways and there for
you when you're struggling in all the
best ways marriage is about more than
partnership it's about more than
co-parent ing or uh doing a budget
together or taking care of the house
marriage is about personal and Spiritual
Development it's about a mutual
commitment to each other to kind of make
it to the finish line of life in a way
that is honoring to God when marriages
become less than that uh the amount of
work and commitment that a marriage
takes makes less sense and so if
marriage really is just about money if
marriage is just about sex if marriage
is just about parenting that
increasingly as your body gets older or
the children grow up or you get for more
financially stable it will make less
sense uh that that means all of us are
going to have to constantly be
re-evaluating what is it we're expecting
from Marriage I I think often times most
of us don't suffer from expecting too
much we we suffer from expecting too
little we settle for less than what God
has for us in marriage uh the the second
Trend though is that overwhelmingly in
these couples that are living apart it
is the wife who is driving the living
apart and kind of the consistent refrain
in the article was that women are saying
I don't have my own life they're they're
losing their identity in the family and
feeling as though they need to separate
from their families in order to find
their own identity and I and I think
this is in somewhat a result of being
bad husband
husbands we got to do a good job of
asking our wives what their dreams are
what their goals are how we can come
alongside them again remember that in
Ephesians 5 we're told as husbands to
lay down our lives for our wives a big
part of that is making sure that they
see the unique role they play not just
in our family but in the kingdom of God
encouraging them to pursue their own
Avenues of ministry their own Avenues of
development championing them for their
gifts and abilities and they shouldn't
have to leave our home to feel valued
they shouldn't have to leave our home to
find their Identity or even to make
friends now every marriage is different
so everything I'm saying now might apply
for some wives and the way they treat
their husbands but overwhelmingly men we
have to do a better job of creating
lives that are bigger for our wives than
just our homes and families but then
third uh what what is happening is that
the American mindset that life is about
personal fulfillment that the chief end
of life is that I feel good about myself
I know myself I'm satisfied with myself
is actually in direct odds with the
biblical idea of marriage marriage is
about laying down your life for your
spouse Ephesians 5:21 says that we
should submit one to another out of
reverence for Christ it means actually
that I care more about what's going on
with my wife than I do even my own love
life and her for me if our lives are
about our own happiness our own
achievement our own accomplishment then
marriage is always going to be an
impediment to that nothing shows you
your own selfishness like marriage at
least that's what I've been learning
through 20 years of marriage but when it
does that I have to decide does that
mean I lean into that selfishness and
push back against a marriage that's
revealing it or doesn't mean I say thank
you God that I have a spouse that is
showing me me and alerting me and
warning me against the dangers of a life
that is about Naval gazing a life that
is about thinking only about myself
marriage is a covenant to walk alongside
someone to care for them to serve them
to see them grow to Champion them when
they win and to pick them up when they
lose that means daily dying to self not
realizing self self-fulfillment is not
the end goal of life living for the
glory of Jesus is the end goal and by
the way way when we do that will always
in the end be fulfilled and flourished
that's what a good King leads his
subjects to do listen marriage just
being married is not the goal and just
living in the same home is not the goal
if that's what your marriage feels like
the answer isn't to move out is to roll
up your sleeves and to get to work
building a marriage in the way God has
designed you might need help to do that
if so go get it don't move out
metaphorically or literally hey thanks
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