Are You Down To Hang?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question are you down to hang this is
prompted by an article in the Atlantic
pointing to the fact that Americans are
incre recently spending less time
together than ever before and let me
share some stats with you uh in studies
that have looked at our social
interaction going from 2003 to 2022 so
that period of about 19 years running up
to the recent uh past uh what they found
is that almost every demographic
category has seen a remarkable drop in
the time spent in a week interacting
with other people now not work
interaction or school interaction not
forced interaction but volitional social
interaction so in that time period men
for example uh dropped 30% of the amount
of time they were spending hanging out
with each other and you might say well
you know men they get married they have
kids uh they get busy that's why they
don't hang out actually that's not true
because unmarried men in the same time
period dropped
35% so even men that don't have wives
don't have have children don't have
people waiting for them at home are
hanging out less than ever before
teenagers now used to be cliche
teenagers hanging out at the mall or
going out in their cars or teenagers
during that same time period spend
45% less time actually interacting with
other people in social situations which
they choose now we are spending time
with something that of course means our
phones and screens
and are pets during the same time period
interaction with pets doubled people are
spending twice as much time with their
pets actually now in the United States
for a woman for example who has a pet
she on average in a week spends more
time social interacting with that pet
than she does an actual human being now
why is this important well really for
two reasons one is because we've never
been uh more isolated as a culture we've
also never been more anxious more lonely
or more depressed we've covered that at
nauseum here on wake up lookup those
things are connected When God Says in
Genesis that it isn't good for man to be
alone what he's saying is that he
created humans for more than they can do
on their own that there is something
innately human about being a part of
something bigger than ourselves about
realizing that our impact on the world
is meant to be more than we can do
simply on the autopilot rhythm of going
to work and going home and we're missing
that we're we're not having that and as
a result we find ourselves saying what
is life all about does my life have any
meaning and am I happy why am I not
happy we are alienating ourselves from
part of what it means to be human and as
a result becoming increasingly subhuman
which is why we spend our social time
with nonhumans either on a screen or in
our our pets we have to realize that
part of the reason we're unhappy is
because we're missing something that we
were designed to have community and
relationship but of course I'm a pastor
this is a spiritual podcast so the
second reason this matters is because
the Bible is full of one anothering it's
a major theme in the New Testament that
most of what God has for me to do in my
life growing in my understanding of him
growing in my relationship with him
participating in the advancement of his
kingdom growing in my Holiness those are
team sports nearly every time the New
Testament talks about those things it
talks about them in conjunction with my
relationship with other people there's
only there's a limit on how much growth
I can experience spiritually of how
close I can feel to God of of what I can
see happen in my lifetime in his kingdom
on my own we're living in an area era of
social isolation and that means what
what we're show showing up for church
less we're signing up for classes less
going to small groups less spending time
with other Christians less is it any
Wonder we feel not just anxious and
lonely and depressed but we feel
spiritually disconnected from God and
anemic listen here's an immediate
takeaway from this episode you need
friends you need community and I know
that can be hard and I know that can be
awkward and it can feel overwhelming but
if you're part of local church and if
you're not that's your immediate
takeaway here but if you are I guarantee
you they have mechanisms for helping you
connect with other people shoot an email
or a text to your pastor and say hey I'm
alone and I shouldn't be and I need to
get connected and then take a chance to
show up and for those of us that have
Community open a spot in that Community
for one more person and when they take
that brave step of showing up to your
small group of joining your Bible study
of entering into a space where you're
already comfortable help pull them in
you might not you might not only be
advancing your own spiritual life you
might and I I'm not being hyperbolic you
might actually be saving their lives
it's not good for you to be alone so
don't be not for one more minute hey
thanks so much for watching this episode
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