Are You Being Watched?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach
wrock and today's episode we're asking
are you being watched this story is an
interesting one it's like something you
would see in a movie it's about a
missing person case that happened in
Spain uh since all the way back to 2023
so in 2023 someone files a report saying
a family member is missing police began
investigating as part of their
investigation they're using Google
street views that's the Google Maps
version where you can take a look at a
particular place by seeing a view from
the street if you're not familiar with
it the way they actually do it is they
have these street view cars that have
cameras mounted on them and Google will
drive them all around in every place
that people live and they take pictures
and the most recent picture of a time a
Google street car went through that
becomes the street view picture so if
you went to my house for example and put
in my address and clicked on Google
Street View you would get the shot of
the most recent Google Street View car
that had driven through well when police
were looking at these street view
pictures of a particular area of
interest to them they were just doing it
because they didn't know the area they
were familiarizing themselves with the
geography when they noticed that in the
picture of one particular address in
question there was a man loading a human
body into a car that's right A man was
loading a human body wrapped up in
plastic in the back of a car the trunk
of a car and police recognize the man as
a person of interest in the case using
that picture they investigated that man
and his romantic partner discovering
that they had abducted the man detained
him and ultimately killed him both
people have now been charged what are
the odds of that you click on a Google
Street View picture and it just so
happens the last time a car went through
it kept captures them loading the body
into the trunks not the first time
either also in Spain there was an
Italian man who was wanted for murder
who had fled to Spain and when police
were looking at pictures of the street
view cameras for where he they thought
he might be they actually saw him in the
picture there are two lessons here one
is if you commit a crime don't go to
Spain the second lesson is that someone
is always watching uh technology makes
it so that you really aren't 100% sure
you can get away with anything and
there's a spiritual lesson in that the
Book of Proverbs says that the eyes of
the Lord are everywhere that he sees
everything that the good and the evil do
God is all places at once he sees all
things which means just like this couple
in Spain that thought they were getting
away with something just like this
Italian guy who thought he had
successfully fled from authorities none
of us really get away with anything and
I don't say that because I'm worried
you've abducted someone and are hiding
their body in your trunk or that you're
on the lamb for murder why I say that is
because each of us really feel that some
of our sin is hidden that it's a secret
that only we know but that isn't true
not because of Google Street View but
because of God God sees all he knows all
the way to deal with sin is not by
stuffing it in your trunk not by burying
it and hoping no one notices it's by
confessing it to God recognizing that he
saw what you did when you did it he
knows what you're thinking when you
think you don't need to bury it you need
to take it to him name it confess it and
be forgiven for it I wonder how many of
us are carrying anxiety and shame and
guilt because we bought into the lie
that buing sin is how you deal with it
and I wonder how many of us are simply
one prayer of confession away from true
and Lasting Freedom listen if you've
never done this I'd encourage you to
spend some time today name naming your
sin naming the things that you know you
feel guilty for and asking God not for
General forgiveness but specific
forgiveness someone is always watching
but unlike the cases in Spain that
someone who's watching stands ready to
forgive ready to cleanse and ready to
change the parts of you you thought had
to stay hidden you are being watched but
that might be the best thing that you
hear today for your spiritual condition
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