Are We Terrorists?
hello everybody thanks for listening to
wake up lookup a podcast where we
connect events happening in real time to
the Gospel of Jesus Christ I'm Zach wck
and in today's episode we're asking the
question are we terrorists that's
because I read an article this week that
had the auspicious headline the
Christian radicals are coming and I
thought oh man that sounds scary and I
don't want to be a Christian radical
what does that mean but reading the
article showed that it was really about
a small subsect of Christianity a
movement called the New Apostolic
Reformation which has launched a Tent
Revival Style
political tour across the United States
called the courage tour and they're
saying predictable things things like
Donald Trump is God's appointed ruler
and that Christians should do whatever
it takes to get him elected they are
saying things that are vaguely sounding
violent that could be metaphorical or
could be literal listen it's it's scary
stuff I wouldn't go to one of their
events I wouldn't want you to go to one
of their events they do not represent
the gospel of of Jesus that I find in
the New Testament it's troubling to be
sure but the the tenor of the article
suggests that just as Christians were
behind the January 6th Insurrection a
point by the way that I'm not sure
anyone has proven or could prove they
are also going to be behind a
potentially violent movement to install
Donald Trump as president they are
essentially saying that radical
Protestant Christians are the threat to
our country is that true should we feel
bad about being terrorists the answer of
course is no what the article really
does a really bad job of pointing out is
that the New Apostolic Reformation
movement comprises about three million
people now that sounds staggering right
three million that's a lot of people and
you can just visualize three million
people mobilizing on Washington that
would be a problem but actually 3
million people within the overall Banner
of protestantism is a drop in the bucket
it's not even really a drop like for
example in the United States there are
140 million Protestant Christians that
means that the New Apostolic Reformation
represents 2% of the Christians in
America 2% that's nothing 3 million
people in this movement pales in
comparison for example to 71 million
Catholics 13 million Southern Baptists
uh 8 million National Baptists almost 6
million United methodists this is a very
very small portion of Christianity using
this group of people to represent a
larger group of people and pinning them
out to be dangerous is like saying that
because there's one Muslim terrorist all
Muslims are terrorists which of course
is something that the magazine I read
would never do but somehow it's fair
game name for Christians the truth is
that the overwhelming majority of
protestant Christians neither believe
that Donald Trump is God's anointed or
that we should use violence to install
anyone into office the overwhelming
majority of Christians believe what
Jesus taught about loving your neighbor
about honoring the government no matter
who's in charge about believing that
Jesus's kingdom is not of this Earth but
is actually of something greater the
overwhelming majority of Christians put
their hope not in a political candidate
but in the promise of Jesus in The Book
of Revelation that he is making all
things new listen frankly I'm tired of
misar characterizing Christians I'm
tired of letting a few Lunatic Fringe
members of quote unquote Christianity
speak for all of us I'm tired of lazy
media that makes that comparison
Christians do all kinds of things that
make this country a better place we're
going to do do those things by the way
whether Kamala Harris gets elected or
Donald Trump because we don't do them
for the political party we do them for
the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and
the good of our neighbors and our
community are we terrorists not even
close no matter how much lazy
journalists try to make us out to be hey
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